Category: Schengen Visas

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Spain Extends Citizenship by Descent Law Until 2025

Spain has extended citizenship by descent until October 2025. In October 2022, the so-called “Grandchildren’s Law” (Ley de Nietos) came into force. The extension aims to enable a larger number of applicants to complete their applications and integrate into Spanish society, thus strengthening ties between Spain and its citizens dispersed worldwide due to historical events.…
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Venice To Double Entry Fee in 2025

Venice‘s entry fee scheme, introduced to manage tourist crowds, is set to double next year. Despite initial efforts, the current fee has not significantly reduced visitor numbers, prompting local authorities to increase the fee from 5 euros to 10 euros next year. Earlier this year, the Italian city implemented a 5-euro entry fee on busy…
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Paris Airports Brace for Strikes Just Before Olympics Starts

Paris airport workers are planning to go on strike just before the Olympics, which could cause major disruptions for visitors and athletes. This dispute between airport staff and management is a serious issue, especially after years of preparation and millions of investment for the event. The strike is set for July 17, only nine days…
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UK Foreign Office Issues Heatwave Travel Warnings

Planning a summer getaway to Europe? The UK Foreign Office has a crucial message for you. Millions of British holidaymakers flock to Europe every summer, and this year is no exception. Spain, Italy, and Greece continue to top the list of summer holiday destinations. Why? They offer exactly what most Europeans crave: sun-soaked, beach-filled getaways.…
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Portugal Reinstates Tax Breaks to Attract Foreign Residents

The Portuguese government is set to bring back tax breaks for foreign residents, aiming to lure highly skilled workers despite past criticisms that the scheme inflated housing prices. Originally launched in 2009 during a financial crisis, the “Non-Habitual Resident” (NHR) scheme offered a special 20% tax rate on Portuguese-sourced income from high-value activities such as…
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