Category: UK

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Why You Should Apply for a Residence Visa after Brexit

The Brexit vote doesn’t only affect those who are considering coming to the UK in the future, but also those who already live here. The vote has made many immigrants question their status in the UK. Thus, most of them now want to get a residence visa after Brexit.  But is it a good idea?…
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500% Increase in Immigration Tribunal Fees Scrapped

In a move to further restrict immigration applicants’ appeal rights and access to the court, the government hiked prices for the Immigration Tribunal fees for up to 500% earlier this year. This policy saw fees increased from £80 to £490 for a paper hearing while the fee for an oral hearing rose from £140 to…
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How Police Registration Is Changing for UK Immigration

UK Visas & Immigration sent out a communication today to confirm how the requirements for foreign migrants Police Registration is changing. Anyone that is a national of the following countries are required to register with the Police in the UK. But the process is about to change under the Police Registration requirements. Nationals of Afghanistan,…
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Chef Job - chef visa uk work permit

You’re a Skilled Chef (or Aspiring to be)? The UK Needs You!

From amazing attractions such as Big Ben in London, cool castles, fascinating buildings, awesome parks and museums, Harry Potter, as well as deep-rooted culture, UK has attracted people from all over the world. If you’re interested in finding a job in UK and couldn’t wait to start a new life in UK, there’s one possible…
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5 Reasons Why You Should Work in the UK and Apply for a Tier 2 Visa

Globalisation has had a huge impact on our lives. It allows us and sometimes forces us to leave our familiar places, looking for new professional opportunities. Have you considered working abroad? Or in the UK, for that matter? We want to give you five good reasons in favour of getting your tier 2 visa to work in…
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