Category: Italy

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

European Countries Ban UK: Travel from UK banned due to new Covid-19 strain

The new COVID Variant causes increase in cases, while closure of borders puta a halt to travel and supply chains European countries have banned flights, Eurotunnel, Eurostar and ferries carrying passengers from the UK to suppress the spread of a new variant of the coronavirus that has caused the UK Prime Minister to do another…
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Christmas is Cancelled, Again

The UK came out of lockdown on 2nd December 2020. Since then, there have been calls for the UK to go back into lockdown. But as the coronavirus infections continue its upward trend, and many areas in England are moved into the higher tier restrictions the UK government is wrestling with whether to go back…
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Brexit Reminder: Things that will change in 2021

There is very little time left to make the most out of freedom of movement, so British nationals who wish to move to another EU country, you might want to speed up preparations. Changes to travel rules such as passport validity, border checks, insurance, driving licences and of course entry requirements will kick in on…
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Travel by Car to European Countries After Brexit: Everything You Need to Know

If you are looking for European trip by car from the UK either with friends, family or even alone and you are not sure about what is required to make a road trip easy and possible, in this article you are going to know all the information you need to know before finalising your plan……
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visa free travel with refugee travel documents

Countries that allow visa-free travel with Refugee Travel Documents

Please note that the information below changes regularly. For example, the UK leaving the EU may change the ability to travel visa-free to European countries. Therefore, you should always check the visa requirements of your country of destination before you travel. This question comes up when you are considering travelling to one of the European…
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