Category: Belgium

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

The UK Wrongly Issued Post-Brexit Benefits To EU Citizens

It is being claimed that as many as 141,000 EU citizens living in the UK after Brexit may have received considerable amount of money they were not entitled to due to an error made by British civil servants. The error affects people who applied for EU settled status, but were not granted it, and covers…
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Working Holiday Visa for South Korea

Many travellers including citizens from the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and most European countries can visit Korea for up to 90 days with no visa required. Canadians can stay for up to six months.  To check the most up-to-date requirements for your country, visit the Korean government’s Visa Portal. To stay longer than 90…
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Hong Kong To Give Away Half A Million Plane Tickets To Woo Back Tourists

Last year, the Hong Kong tourist board announced plans to give away 500,000 free plane tickets to encourage tourism in 2023 once the city has lifted its COVID travel restrictions. Hong Kong has rolled back COVID travel restrictions in recent months including mandatory isolation on arrival. Now, it has finally unveiled its plan to revive…
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EU Approved To Move Schengen Visa Application Online

The European Union has adopted a new strategy to digitalise the visa application process and eliminate the difficulties of submitting a physical Schengen visa application. Last April 2022, the EU Commission proposed the digitalisation of the Schengen visa process, replacing the visa sticker, and introducing the ability to submit visa applications online. This would make…
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Initial Registration To Open For  H-1B  FY 2024

The highly anticipated H-1B visa filing season for the fiscal year 2024 will begin at the start of March 2023. The H-1B visa is a non-immigrant work visa that allows US companies to employ foreign workers in places that require technical or theoretical expertise in professional fields such as Information Technology, Engineering, and Medicine. Selected…
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