Category: Spain

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

EU Aims to Have Digital Green Certificates in Use By Summer

New data from travel industries shows more and more people are looking forward to travelling again. Government officials are now focusing on how to safely restart international and domestic trips and mitigate the economic disruption caused by the pandemic. The member states of the European Union have agreed to move forward with a recently proposed…
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Brexit: UK Architects No Longer Recognized in EU Countries

Following the United Kingdom’s exit from the EU, the UK services profession from IT, architecture and the arts, health services, education, lawyers and financial services were left with an array of visa and work permit restrictions.  Before Brexit, the UK firms were among the world’s most prominent service exporters. According to a research organisation, UK’s…
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What is the Schengen Agreement?

Contents History and Development of the Schengen AgreementKey Points of the Schengen Acquis1. Freedom of movement for member countries2. Harmonised visa policies of Schengen Countries – Countries That Require Schengen Visas3. External border checks according to a common Schengen standard and close police and judicial cooperation4. Joint efforts to combat drug-related crimeSchengen CountriesCountry Border Checks…
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Japan Working Holiday Visas

Japan might be a tiny island nation but it is undeniable that there are a lot to discover and explore in every corner of this fascinating country. The working holiday programmes are based on bilateral arrangements, intended to make it possible for the youth of Japan and its partner countries to enter each country primarily…
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Brexit: British Nationals Refused Entry in Spain

A group of British nationals who arrived in Spain without the needed documentation were sent back to the United Kingdom as they failed to present proof of residency. Based on Spain’s local media reports, the travellers claimed that they had not been informed regarding the requirement of residency proof applied at airports. British nationals not…
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