Month: August 2020

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Switzerland Allows Entry for Unmarried Partners from Third Countries

Swiss authorities have exceptionally lifted restrictions on entry to people from non-EU/Schengen countries (and the 12 countries on the EU safe list) whose ‘significant other half’ lives in Switzerland. From 3rd August, Switzerland is to join the list of Schengen and EU Member States that allows unmarried partners from third-countries that have their partner in…
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Sweden Herd Immunity Has Sweden’s coronavirus strategy worked

Sweden Herd Immunity: Has Sweden’s coronavirus strategy worked?

Sweden has stood out as it has taken a different approach to the Coronavirus pandemic. It, like the UK, used a herd immunity approach to the virus. But unlike the UK, which dropped its herd immunity approach months later, Sweden continued its approach.  This approach to the COVID-19 pandemic was the direct opposite to its…
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