Embassies, High Commissions and Consulates
Embassy, High Commission or Consulate. What really is the difference?
Below is a list of all Consulates and Embassies in the United Kingdom. The UK does not have a British Embassy, Consulate or High Commission in the UK. The department that deals with the Consulates, High Commissions and British Embassies is the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).
An embassy is a country’s base for its diplomatic and overseas operations in another country. It is where an appointed Ambassador conducts his or her duties and represent his country and his country's citizens living or visiting the country he is stationed in. It may sometimes also be the Ambassador's home whilst he is stationed in that country.
Citizens can go to the Embassy for their national government services including visas, birth registrations, passports, voting, and legal help. Most importantly, embassies are usually located in the capital city of that other country.
For clarity, Embassies are the main diplomatic posts that are set up in non-Commonwealth countries, while High Commissions are the main diplomatic posts set up in Commonwealth countries. The “head of mission” at an Embassy is called an “Ambassador”, whereas, at Commissions, they are called “High Commissioners”. As well as referring to diplomatic posts themselves, the terms “Embassy” and “High Commission” refer to the buildings in which those posts are based.
Consulates, on the other hand, are satellite offices for the Embassy in other parts of the same country. Their main focus is for serving the citizens and businesses of their country in the foreign land they are currently based. Its function is more commercial than diplomatic, but the differences are pretty minimal.
The typical duties are issuing passports and emergency documents; registering births and deaths; handling cases of child abduction and forced marriages; and assisting citizens detained or imprisoned, who have fallen ill or been the victim of a crime. Their activities are governed by the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations 1963.
Depending on whether the post is headed by a Consul-General, Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent, they are known as Consulates-General, Consulates, Vice-Consulates and Consular Agencies, respectively.
Below, you will find a list of Consulates & embassies in the UK.
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
31 Princes Gate SW7 1QQ
Website: www.afghanistanembassy.org.uk
Embassy of the Republic of Albania
33 St George’s Drive SW1V 4DG
Website: www.albanianembassy.co.uk
People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria
54 Holland Park W11 3RS
Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Institutional Relations
Prat de la Creu 62-64, AD500 Andorra la Vella
Website: exteriors.gov.andorra.ad
High Commission for Antigua & Barbuda
2nd Floor 45 Crawford Place W1H 4LP
Website: www.antigua-barbuda.com
Embassy of the Argentine Republic
65 Brook Street W1K 4AH
Website: www.argentine-embassy-uk.org
Embassy of the Republic of Armenia
25A Cheniston Gardens W8 6TG
Website: www.uk.mfa.am
Australian High Commission
Australia House Strand WC2B 4LA
Website: www.uk.embassy.gov.au
Embassy of Austria
18 Belgrave Mews West SW1X 8HU
Website: www.bmeia.gv.at/london
Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan
4 Kensington Court W8 5DL
Website: www.azembassy.org.uk
High Commission of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas
10 Chesterfield Street W1J 5JL
Website: www.bahamashclondon.net
Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain
30 Belgrave Square SW1X 8QB
High Commission for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
28 Queen’s Gate London SW7 5JA
Website: www.bhclondon.org.uk
Barbados High Commission
1 Great Russell Street WC1B 3ND
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus
6 Kensington Court W8 5DL
Website: www.uk.mfa.gov.by
Embassy of Belgium
17 Grosvenor Crescent SW1X 7EE
Website: www.diplomatie.be/london
Belize High Commission
Third Floor 45 Crawford Place W1H 4LP
Website: www.belizehighcommission.com
Embassy of the Republic of Benin
87 Avenue Victor Hugo 75116 Paris
Embassy of Bolivia
106 Eaton Square SW1W 9AD
Website: www.bolivianembassy.co.uk
Embassy of Bosnia & Herzegovina
5-7 Lexham Gardens W8 5JJ
Website: www.bhembassy.co.uk
Botswana High Commission
6 Stratford Place W1C 1AY
Embassy of Brazil
14/16 Cockspur Street SW1 5BN
Website: www.brazil.org.uk
Brunei Darussalam High Commission
19/20 Belgrave Square SW1X 8PG
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria
186-188 Queen’s Gate SW7 5HL
Website: www.bulgarianembassy-london.org
Embassy of the Republic of Burkina Faso
16 Place Guy d’Arezzo Brussels B-1180
Website: www.ambassadeduburkina.be
Political, Trade, Press & Cultural Affairs Section
Website: www.myanmarembassyuk.co.uk
Embassy of the Republic of Burundi
Uganda House Second Floor 58-59 Trafalgar Square WC2N 5DX
Website: www.burundiembassy.org.uk
The Royal Embassy of Cambodia
64 Brondesbury Park Willesden Green NW6 7AT
Website: www.cambodianembassy.org.uk
High Commission for the Republic of Cameroon
84 Holland Park W11 3SB
Website: www.cameroonhighcommission.co.uk
Canadian High Commission
Macdonald House 1 Grosvenor Square W1K 4AB
Website: www.UnitedKingdom.gc.ca
Embassy of the Central African Republic
30 Rue des Perchamps 75016 Paris
Embassy of the Republic of Chad
Boulevard Lambermont 52 1030 Brussels
Embassy of Chile
37-41 Old Queen Street SW1H 9JA
Website: www.chileabroad.gov.cl/reino-unido
Embassy of the People’s Republic of China
49-51 Portland Place W1B 1JL
Website: www.chinese-embassy.org.uk
Embassy of Colombia
3 Hans Crescent SW1X 0LN
Website: www.colombianembassy.co.uk
Embassy of the Republic of Congo
37 bis Rue Paul Valéry 75116 Paris, France
Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
45-49 Great Portland Street W1W 7LT
Website: www.ambardc-londres.gov.cd
Embassy of Costa Rica
14 Lancaster Gate W2 3LH
Embassy of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire
2 Upper Belgrave Street SW1X 8BJ
Embassy of the Republic of Croatia
21 Conway Street W1T 6BN
Website: uk.mvp.hr
Embassy of the Republic of Cuba
167 High Holborn WC1 6PA
Website: www.cubaldon.com
High Commission for the Republic of Cyprus
13 St James’s Square SW1Y 4LB
Embassy of the Czech Republic
26 Kensington Palace Gardens W8 4QY
Website: www.czechembassy.org.uk
Royal Danish Embassy
55 Sloane Street SW1X 9SR
Website: www.denmark.org.uk
Opening Hours: Monday-Thursday 09.00-16.30 & Friday 09.00-16.00
Embassy of the Republic of Djibouti
26 Rue Emile Ménier 75116 Paris
Website: www.ambdjibouti.org
Office of the High Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Dominica
1 Collingham Gardens SW5 0HW
Website: www.dominicahighcommission.co.uk
Embassy of the Dominican Republic
139 Inverness Terrace W2 6JF
Website: www.dominicanembassy.org.uk
Embassy of Ecuador
Flat 3B 3 Hans Crescent SW1X 0LS
Website: www.consuladoecuador.org.uk
Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt
26 South Street W1K 1DW
Embassy of El Salvador
8 Dorset Square 1st & 2nd Floors NW1 6PU
Embassy of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea
13 Park Place St James’ SW1A 1LP
Website: www.embarege-londres.org
Embassy of the State of Eritrea
96 White Lion Street N1 9PF
Website: www.eritrean-embassy.org.uk
Embassy of the Republic of Estonia
16 Hyde Park Gate SW7 5DG
Website: www.estonia.gov.uk
Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
17 Princes Gate SW7 1PZ
Website: www.ethioembassy.org.uk
High Commission of the Republic of the Fiji Islands
34 Hyde Park Gate SW7 5DN
Website: www.fijihighcommission.org.uk
The Embassy of Finland
38 Chesham Place SW1X 8HW
Website: www.finemb.org.uk
Embassy of France
58 Knightsbridge SW1X 7JT
Website: www.ambafrance-uk.org
Embassy of the Gabonese Republic
27 Elvaston Place SW7 5NL
Website: www.gaboneseembassy.org
The Gambia High Commission
92 Ledbury Road W11 2AH
Embassy of Georgia
4 Russell Gardens W14 8EZ
Website: www.uk.mfa.gov.ge
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
23 Belgrave Square/Chesham Place SW1X 8PZ
Website: www.london.diplo.de
Office of the High Commissioner for Ghana
13 Belgrave Square SW1X 8PN
Website: www.ghanahighcommissionuk.com
Embassy of Greece
1A Holland Park W11 3TP
Website: www.greekembassy.org.uk
The Chapel, Archel Road, West Kensington W14 9QH
Website: www.grenadahclon.co.uk
Embassy of Guatemala
13A Fawcett St SW10 9HN
Embassy of the Republic of Guinea
258 Belsize Road NW6 4BT
Embassy of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau
94 Rue St. Lazare 75009 Paris
High Commission for Guyana
3 Palace Court, Bayswater Road W2 4LP
Website: www.guyanahc.com
The Embassy of the Republic of Haiti
Closed on 30 March 1987.
Embassy of Honduras
115 Gloucester Place W1U 6JT
Embassy of Hungary
35 Eaton Place SW1X 8BY
Website: www.mfa.gov.hu/emb/london
Embassy of Iceland
2A Hans Street SW1X 0JE
Website: www.iceland.is/uk
Office of the High Commissioner for India
India House Aldwych WC2B 4NA
Website: www.hcilondon.net
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
38 Grosvenor Square W1K 2HW
Website: www.indonesianembassy.org.uk
(Temporarily closed)
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
16 Prince’s Gate SW7 1PT
Website: www.iran-embassy.org.uk
Embassy of the Republic of Iraq
21 Queens Gate, SW7 5JE
Website: www.iraqembassy.org.uk
Embassy of Ireland
17 Grosvenor Place SW1X 7HR
Website: www.embassyofireland.co.uk
Embassy of Israel
2 Palace Green Kensington W8 4QB
Website: london.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Italy
14 Three Kings’ Yard Davies Street W1K 4EH
Website: www.amblondra.esteri.it
Jamaican High Commission
1-2 Prince Consort Road SW7 2BZ
Website: www.jhcuk.com
Embassy of Japan
101-104 Piccadilly W1J 7JT
Website: www.uk.emb-japan.go.jp
Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
6 Upper Phillimore Gardens W8 7HA
Website: www.jordanembassy.org.uk
Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
33 Thurloe Square SW7 2SD
Website: www.kazembassy.org.uk
Kenya High Commission
45 Portland Place W1B 1AS
Website: www.kenyahighcommission.net
High Commissioner c/o Office of the President P.O. Box 68 Bairiki Tarawa Kiribati
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
60 Buckingham Gate SW1E 6AJ
Website: gbr.mofat.go.kr
Embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
73 Gunnersbury Avenue W5 4LP
Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo
100 Pall Mall St James SW1Y 5NQ
Embassy of the State of Kuwait
2 Albert Gate SW1X 7JU
Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic
Ascot House 119 Crawford Street W1U 6BJ
E-mail: [email protected]
Embassy of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic
74, Ave Raymond-Poincaré 75 116 Paris
Embassy of the Republic of Latvia
45 Nottingham Place W1U 5LY
Website: www.mfa.gov.lv/london
Embassy of Lebanon
21 Palace Gardens Mews W8 4RB
High Commission of the Kingdom of Lesotho
7 Chesham Place Belgravia SW1X 8HN
Website: www.lesotholondon.org.uk
Embassy of the Republic of Liberia
23 Fitzroy Square W1T 6EW
Website: www.embassyofliberia.org.uk
Embassy of Libya
15 Knightsbridge SW1X 7LY
Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania
Lithuania House 2 Bessborough Gardens SW1V 2JE
Website: uk.mfa.lt
Embassy of Luxembourg
27 Wilton Crescent SW1X 8SD
Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia
Suites 2.1 & 2.2, Second Floor, Buckingham Court 75-83 Buckingham Gate SW1E 6PE
Website: www.macedonianembassy.org.uk
Embassy of the Republic of Madagascar
4, Avenue Raphael Paris XVIII FRANCE
High Commission of the Republic of Malawi
36 John Street WC1N 2AT
Website: www.malawihighcommission.co.uk
Malaysian High Commission
45 Belgrave Square SW1X 8QT
High Commission of the Republic of Maldives
22 Nottingham Place W1U 5NJ
Website: www.maldiveshighcommission.org
Avenue Molière 487 1050 Brussels BELGIUM
Malta High Commission
Malta House 36-38 Piccadilly W1J OLE
Website: www.foreign.gov.mt
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
5 Rue de Montevideo Paris 16 FRANCE
Mauritius High Commission
32/33 Elvaston Place SW7 5NW
Embassy of Mexico
16 St. George Street W1S 1FD
Website: www.sre.gob.mx/reinounido
Embassy of the Republic of Moldova
5 Dolphin Square Edensor Road W4 2ST
Website: www.britania.mfa.gov.md
Embassy of the Principality of Monaco
7 Upper Grosvenor Street London W1K 2LX
Website: www.monaco-embassy-uk.gouv.mc
Embassy of Mongolia
7 Kensington Court W8 5DL
Website: www.embassyofmongolia.co.uk
Embassy of Montenegro
18 Callcott Street W8 7SU
Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco
49 Queen’s Gate Gardens SW7 5NE
Website: www.moroccanembassylondon.org.uk
High Commission for the Republic of Mozambique
21 Fitzroy Square W1T 6EL
Website: www.mozambiquehighcommission.org.uk
High Commission for the Republic of Namibia
6 Chandos Street W1G 9LU
Embassy of Nepal
12a Kensington Palace Gardens W8 4QU
Website: www.nepembassy.org.uk
Royal Netherlands Embassy
38 Hyde Park Gate, SW7 5DP
Website: www.dutchembassyuk.org
New Zealand High Commission
2nd Floor New Zealand House 80 Haymarket SW1Y 4TQ
Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 09.00-17.00
Embassy of Nicaragua
Suite 31 Vicarage House 58-60 Kensington Church Street W8 4DB
Website: www.cancilleria.gob.ni
High Commission for the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Nigeria House 9 Northumberland Avenue WC2N 5BX
Website: www.nigeriahc.org.uk
Royal Norwegian Embassy
25 Belgrave Square SW1X 8QD
Website: www.norway.org.uk
Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman
167 Queens Gate SW7 5HE
High Commission for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
35-36 Lowndes Square SW1X 9JN
Website: www.phclondon.org
London Honorary Consulate
Embassy of Panama
40 Hertford Street W1J 7SH
Papua New Guinea High Commission
14 Waterloo Place SW1Y 4AR
Website: www.pnghighcomm.org.uk
Embassy of the Republic of Paraguay
3rd Floor 344 Kensington High Street W14 8NS
Website: www.paraguayembassy.co.uk
Embassy of Peru
52 Sloane Street SW1X 9SP
Website: www.peruembassy-uk.com
Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines
6-8 Suffolk Street SW1Y 4HG
Website: philembassy-uk.org
Website: www.london.polemb.net
Embassy of Portugal
11 Belgrave Square SW1X 8PP
Embassy of the State of Qatar
1 South Audley Street W1K 1NB
Embassy of Romania
Arundel House 4 Palace Green W8 4QD
Website: londra.mae.ro
Embassy of the Russian Federation (Residence of the Ambassador)
13 Kensington Palace Gardens W8 4QX
Website: www.great-britain.mid.ru
Website: www.rusemblon.org
High Commission for the Republic of Rwanda
120-122 Seymour Place W1H 1NR
Website: www.ambarwanda.org.uk
High Commission for Saint Christopher & Nevis
10 Kensington Court W8 5DL
E-mail: [email protected]
High Commission for Saint Vincent & the Grenadines
10 Kensington Court W8 5DL
Website: www.svghighcom.co.uk
Embassy of Samoa
Avenue de l’Oree 20 Bte 4 Brussels 1000
Embassy of the Republic of San Marino
All correspondence should be addressed to the Department of Foreign Affairs
Palazzo Begni – Contrada Omerelli 47890 San Marino – Republic of San Marino
Embassy of São Tomé & Principe
175 Avenue de Tervuren 1150 Brussels
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia
30 Charles Street Mayfair W1J 5DZ
Embassy of the Republic of Senegal
39 Marloes Road W8 6LA
Website: www.senegalembassy.com
Embassy of the Republic of Serbia
28 Belgrave Square SW1X 8QB
Website: www.serbianembassy.org.uk
The High Commission of the Republic of Seychelles
4th Floor 11 Grosvenor Crescent SW1X 7EE
Website: www.seychelles-gov.net
Sierra Leone High Commission
41 Eagle Street WC1R 4TL
High Commission for the Republic of Singapore
9 Wilton Crescent SW1X 8SP
Website: www.mfa.gov.sg/london
Embassy of the Slovak Republic
25 Kensington Palace Gardens W8 4QY
Website: www.mzv.sk/londyn
Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia
10 Little College Street SW1P 3SH
Website: www.london.embassy.si
High Commission for the Solomon Islands
Avenue Edouard Lacombe 17B 1040 Brussels Belgium
The Embassy of the Somali Democratic Republic closed in 1992
South African High Commission
South Africa House, Trafalgar Square WC2N 5DP
Embassy of Spain
39 Chesham Place SW1X 8SB
Website: www.mae.es/embajadas/londres/es/home
20 Draycott Place SW3 2RZ
High Commission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
13 Hyde Park Gardens W2 2LU
Website: www.slhclondon.org
Embassy of the Republic of South Sudan
Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, WC1H 9BB
Website: www.goss-london.com
Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan
3 Cleveland Row St James’s SW1A 1DD
Website: www.sudan-embassy.co.uk
Embassy of the Republic of Suriname
Alexander Gogelweg 2 2517 JH The Hague The Netherlands
Kingdom of Swaziland High Commission
20 Buckingham Gate SW1E 6LB
Embassy of Sweden
11 Montagu Place W1H 2AL
Website: www.swedenabroad.com/london
Embassy of Switzerland
16/18 Montagu Place W1H 2BQ
Website: www.swissembassy.org.uk
(Temporarily closed by the Syrian Government) Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic
8 Belgrave Square SW1X 8PH
Website: www.syrianembassy.co.uk
Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan
26-28 Hammersmith Grove W6 7BA
Website: www.tajembassy.org.uk
High Commission of the United Republic of Tanzania
3 Stratford Place W1C 1AS
Website: www.tanzania-online.gov.uk
Royal Thai Embassy
29-30 Queen’s Gate SW7 5JB
Website: www.thaiembassyuk.org.uk
Embassy of the Republic of Togo
8 Rue Alfred Roll 75017 Paris
Tonga High Commission
36 Molyneux Street W1H 5BQ
High Commission of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago
42 Belgrave Square SW1X 8NT
Embassy of Tunisia
29 Prince’s Gate SW7 1QG
Embassy of the Republic of Turkey
43 Belgrave Square SW1X 8PA
Website: www.turkishembassylondon.org
Embassy of Turkmenistan
131 Holland Park Avenue, W11 4UT
Website: www.turkmenembassy.org.uk
London Honorary Consulate
Uganda High Commission
Uganda House 58-59 Trafalgar Square WC2N 5DX
Website: www.ugandahighcommission.co.uk
Embassy of Ukraine
60 Holland Park W11 3SJ
Website: www.ukremb.org.uk
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates
30 Prince’s Gate SW7 1PT
Website: www.uae-embassy.ae
American Embassy
24 Grosvenor Square W1A 1AE
Embassy of Uruguay
150 Brompton Road SW3 1XH
Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
41 Holland Park W11 3RP
Website: www.uzbekembassy.org
Embassy of Vanuatu
Avenue de Tervueren 380 Chemin de Ronde 1150 Brussels BELGIUM
Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
1 Cromwell Road SW7 2HW
Website: www.embavenez-uk.org
Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
12-14 Victoria Road W8 5RD
Website: www.vietnamembassy.org.uk
Embassy of the Republic of Yemen
57 Cromwell Road SW7 2ED
Embassy of the Republic of Serbia
28 Belgrave Square SW1X 8QB
Website: www.serbianembassy.org.uk
High Commission for the Republic of Zambia
Zambia House, 2 Palace Gate W8 5NG
Website: www.zambiahc.org.uk
Embassy of the Republic of Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe House 429 Strand WC2R 0JR
Deputy High Commission of Bangladesh in Birmingham
Albany House (4th Floor)
31 Hurst Street
B5 4BD
MR MUHAMMAD NAZMUL HOQUE Assistant High Commissioner with responsibility for Birmingham (since 23 September 2018)
Assistant High Commission of Bangladesh in Manchester
Seamark House
Edge Lane
M43 6BB
MR ABU NASAR MD. ANOWARUL ISLAM Assistant High Commissioner with responsibility for Manchester (since 7 September 2017)
Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Edinburgh
55 Corstorphine Road
EH12 5QG
MS DONG ZHIHUA Consul General with responsibility for Edinburgh (since 29 October 2018)
Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Manchester
Denison House
71 Denison Road
M14 5RX
MR XIYUAN ZHENG Consul General with responsibility for Manchester (since 26 February 2018)
Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Belfast
75-77 Malone Road
MS MEIFANG ZHANG Consul General with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 4 December 2018)
Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Manchester
4 Brindley Road
(Unit 2 City Park Business Village, Suite 4&6)
Old Trafford
M16 9HQ
MR IVO LOSMAN Consul General with responsibility for Manchester (since 8 January 2019)
Consulate General of France in Edinburgh
59-63 George IV Bridge
MRS LAURENCE PAÏS Consul General with responsibility for Scotland and the Isle of Man (since 5 August 2019)
Consulate General of Germany in Edinburgh
16 Eglinton Crescent
EH12 5D6
Tel: 0131 337 2323
Email: [email protected]
Hours: Monday – Friday 09:00 – 16:00
MRS BARBARA QUICK Consul General with responsibility for Scotland, North England (Cumbria, Durham, Northumberland, North Yorkshire – excluding Selby, Tyne and Wear) (since 21 May 2019)
Honorary Consulate of Greece in Belfast
67 Deramore Park, BT95 JX Belfast
Tel: 07762044716
MR GEORGIOS ARGYROPOULOS Honorary Consul (since 5 March 2019)
Honorary Consulate of Greece in Birmingham
75 Harborne Road, Edgbaston, B15 3DH,
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Tel.: 07444584529
MRS IO-ANNA LIANOU Honorary Consul (since 22 February 2019)
Honorary Consulate General of Greece in Edinburgh
12 Queens Crescent EH9 2AZ, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Tel.: (0044131) 6205496
Fax: (0044131) 6205496
MRS MELPOMENI PAPAIOANNOU-PLEVRI Honorary Consul (since 3 October 2002)
Honorary Consulate General of Greece in Gibraltar
Suite 23 Portland House, Glacis Road, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar
Tel: (00350) 20076651
Fax: (00350) 20042599
MR JOSEPH JOHN IMOSSI Honorary Consul (since 17 February 2009)
Honorary Consulate of Greece in Glasgow
1 Kirklee Quadrant, Kelvinside Glasgow, G12 0TR, United Kingdom
Tel.: (0044141) 3340360
Fax: (0044141) 2303730
MRS IRINI-MARIA KAVOURA Honorary Consul (since 3 January 1997)
Honorary Consulate of Greece in Leeds
Greek Orthodox Community of Leeds, The Three Hierarchs, 57 Harehills Avenue,
Leeds, LS8 4EU, United Kingdom
Tel.: (0044113)2657421
Fax: (0044113)2657421
MRS ELEFTHERIA GKORTZI-GIANNOUDI Honorary Consul (since 22 February 2019)
Consulate General of Hungary in Manchester
Suites 3C and 3E
One Portland Street
M1 3BE
MRS KRISZTINA ZSOFIA KATAI NAGY Consul General with responsibility for Manchester (since 31 October 2018)
Consulate General of India in Birmingham
The Spencers,
20 Augusta Street
Jewellery Quarters Hockley
B16 6JL
DR AMAN PURI Consul General of India with responsibility for Birmingham (since 23 January 2017)
Consulate General of India in Edinburgh
17 Rutland Square
MR HITESH JOGENDERLAL RAJPAL Consul General responsibility for Scotland (since 9 September 2019)
Consulate General of Iraq in Manchester
24 Oxford Court
Chepstow Street
M2 3WQ
Consulate General of Ireland in Edinburgh
16 Randolph Crescent
DR JOHN MARK HANNIFFY Consul General of Ireland with responsibility for Edinburgh (since 13 June 2016)
Consulate General of Italy in Edinburgh
32 Melville Street
MR FABIO MONACO Consul General of Italy with responsibility for Edinburgh (since 4 April 2018)
Consulate General of Japan in Edinburgh
2 Melville Crescent
MR NOZOMU TAKAOKA Consul General of Japan with responsibility for Edinburgh (since 31 October 2018)
Consulate General of Libya in Manchester
Parkside Court
22 Furness Quay
Trafford Road
M50 3XZ
Consulate of Pakistan in Birmingham
2/26 Constitution Hill
B19 3LH
MR AHMAR ISMAIL Consul General with responsibility for Birmingham (since 12 August 2017)
Consulate of Pakistan in Bradford
1-3 Bradford Business Park
Kings Gate
MR AHMED AMJAD ALI Consul General with responsibility for Bradford (since 14 August 2016)
Consulate General of Pakistan in Glasgow
45 Maxwell Drive
G41 5JF
MR MUHAMMAD RUMMAN AHMAD Consul General with responsibility for Glasgow (since 2 September 2016)
Consulate General of Pakistan in Manchester
Pakistan House
137 Dickenson Road
M14 5JB
MR MR AAMAR AFTAB QURESHI Consul General with responsibility for Manchester (since 6 July 2017)
Consulate General of Poland in Belfast
67 Malone Road
MR PAWEL MAJEWSKI Consul General with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 16 July 2018)
Consulate General of Poland in Edinburgh
2 Kinnear Road
MR IRENEUSZ TRUSZKOWSKI Consul General with responsibility for Edinburgh (since 20 November 2017)
Consulate General of Poland in Manchester
51 Portland Street
M1 3LD
MR LESZEK GRZEGORZ ROWICKI Consul General with responsibility for Manchester (since 19 April 2016)
Consulate General of Portugal in Manchester
1 Portland Place
Second Floor
M1 3BE
MR JORGE MANUEL SOARES DE VALADAS PRETO CRUZ Consul General with responsibility for Manchester (since 7 August 2017)
Consulate General of Romania in Edinburgh
7-9 North St. David Street
MR ANTON EMMANUEL BARBU Consul General with responsibility for Edinburgh (since 1 August 2018)
Consulate General of Romania in Manchester
9 Cooper Street
M2 2FW
MRS ANDREEA IOANA BERECHET Consul General with responsibility for Manchester (since 01 September 2017)
Consulate General of Russia in Edinburgh
58 Melville Street
MR ANDREY ANATOLYEVICH PRITZEPOV Consul General with responsibility for Edinburgh (since 12 November 2014)
Consulate General of Spain in Edinburgh
63 North Castle Street
Consulate General of Spain in Manchester
326-330 Deansgate
M3 4FN
MRS LAURA GARCÍA-ALFAYA Consul General with responsibility for North West England (except Cumbria), Yorkshire and Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, Wales, and the Isle of Man (since 16 September 2019)
Consulate General of Saint Vincent & The Grenadines in Northern Ireland
16 Glen Road
County Down
BT23 5EL
DR CHRISTOPHER GARRY STANGE Consul General with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 16 November 2017)
Consulate General of Turkey in Edinburgh
Forsyth House 93
George Street
MR NAFI CEMAL TOSYALI Consul General with responsibility for Edinburgh (since 2 October 2018)
Consulate of Ukraine in Edinburgh
8 Windsor Street
MR ANDRII KUSLII Consul with responsibility for Edinburgh (since 3 July 2015)
Consulate General of the United States in Belfast
223 Stranmillis Road
MS ELIZABETH KENNEDY TRUDEAU Consul General with responsibility for Belfast (since 13 August 2018)
Consulate General of the United States in Edinburgh
3 Regent Terrace
Website: MS ELLEN WONG Consul General with responsibility for Edinburgh (since 13 August 2018)
Honorary Consulate of Austria in the Cayman Islands
Pasadora Place 31
P O Box 1845
George Town
Cayman Islands
Tel: 001 345 91 666 88
MR MARTIN RICHTER Honorary Consul with responsibility for the Cayman Islands (since 26 June 2006)
Honorary Consulate of Austria in Bermuda
Victoria Place
31 Victoria Street
Hamilton HM10
Tel: 001 441 494 4019
MRS KATHARINA HOSKINS Honorary Consul with responsibility for Bermuda (since 8 October 2015)
Honorary Consulate of Austria in Birmingham
5 Barlows Road
B15 2PN
Tel: 0121 4541197
Mob: 07770 457927
MRS GRETE NEUMEISTER Honorary Consul with responsibility for Birmingham, Derbyshire, Hereford & Worcester, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire. Warwickshire & West Midlands (since 13 November 2008)
Honorary Consulate of Austria in Edinburgh
15 Old Fishmarket Close
MR CHRISTOPH CREPAZ Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 5 February 2018)
Honorary Consulate of Austria in Manchester
3 Hardman Street
M3 3HF
Tel: 0161 934 3026
Fax: 0161 934 3743
MR HARALD LOEFFLER Honorary Consul with responsibility for Greater Manchester, North West England, Yorkshire & the Humber (since 15 April 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Belarus in Cardiff
56 St. Isan Road
Cardiff CF14 4LY
Tel: 02920 611304
Mob: 07976 254156
MR MICHAEL RYE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Wales (since 20 August 2008)
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Edinburgh
2 West Street
Peniculk EH26 9DL
Tel: 01968 679 969
Fax: 01968 677 638
Mob: 07970 463 917
MR YVES LEMARCHAND Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 22 April 1996)
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Gibraltar
47 Irish Town
Postal address: PO Box 185
Tel: +350 200 78646
Fax: +350 200 77838
MR PAUL L IMOSSI Honorary Consul with responsibility for Gibraltar (since 15 November 1995)
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Jersey
Amethyst Green
La Route des Genets
St Brelade
Jersey JE3 8LE
Tel: 01534 602 332 or 01534 481 473
Mob: 07797 715 262
MR ALAN BINNINGTON Honorary Consul with responsibility for the Channel Islands (since 1 January 1992)
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Kingston-upon-Hull
Westwood House
Annie Med Lane
South Cave HU15 2HG
Tel: 01430 471 928
Fax: 0870 429 2148
Mob: 07940 574 635
MR MICHEL VANHOONACKER Honorary Consul with responsibility for Humberside, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire (since 24 October 2012)
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Manchester
76 Moss Lane
Cheshire SK7 1EJ
Tel: 0161 439 5999
Mob: 07710 694 419
MR JOHN MEEUS Honorary Consul with responsibility for Cheshire, Clwyd, Derbyshire, Gwynedd, Isle of Man, Lancashire, Merseyside and Yorkshire (since 7 January 2001)
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Newcastle upon Tyne
30 Cloth Market
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1EE
Tel: 0191 232 8345
Fax: 0191 261 7704
MR DAVID L M BRADSHAW Honorary Consul with responsibility for Tyne & Wear, Northumberland, Durham, Cleveland and Cumbria (since 1 May 1984)
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Southampton
5 Benham Road
Southampton Science Park
SO16 7QJ
Tel: 07495323117
MR SIDDHARTHA KUNTI Honorary Consul with responsibility for Dorset, Wiltshire, Isle of Wight and Hampshire (since 17 May 2018)
Honorary Consulate of Brazil in Belfast
19 Kintyre
Antrim BT41 2AN
Tel: 07868 396 588
MR KENNETH HOWARD ORR Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 11 August 2014)
Honorary Consulate of Brazil in Cardiff
245 Landmark Place
Churchill Way
CF10 2HT
Tel: 07753 463 418
MR RICARDO LEÃO CALIL Honorary Consul with responsibility for Wales (since 2 August 2019)
Honorary Consulate of Brazil in Edinburgh
35 Hillside Crescent
Tel: 0131 556 8399
MRS MARIA GORETTI MACENA CORREA Honorary Consul with responsibility for Edinburgh (since 9 October 2017)
Honorary Consulate of Brazil in Glasgow
9 Station Road
ML10 6BE
Tel: 07453 538 580
MR PAULO QUADROS Honorary Consul with responsibility for Glasgow (since 21 September 2017)
Honorary Consulate of Brazil in Manchester
2 Booth Clibborn Court
M7 4PJ
Tel: 07771 284 673
MR CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL WALL Honorary Consul with responsibility for Greater Manchester (since 13 September 1996)
Honorary Consulate of Bulgaria in Belfast
NI-CO, Landmark House
5 Cromac Quay
Belfast BT7 2JD
MR PAUL MARTIN CBE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 31 July 2017)
Honorary Consulate of Canada in Edinburgh
45 Woodlands Park
Perthshire PH10 6UW
MS MARY CHRISTINE VOWLES DUNCAN Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 6 June 2019)
Honorary Consulate of Canada in Merthyr Mawr
Tel: 01656 662 413
MS LANA MICHELLE ZYLICH Honorary Consul with responsibility for Wales (since 23 January 2015)
Honorary Consulate of Canada in Killinchy
Tel: 0289 7542 405
MR KENNETH SYDNEY BRUNDLE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 1 February 2013)
Honorary Consulate of Chile in Belfast
Ballyedmond Castle
101 Killowen Road
County Down BT34 4AG
Tel: 028 3026 9824
LADY MARY BALLYEDMOND Honorary Consul (since 3 July 2015)
Honorary Consulate of Chile in Glasgow
Lochnell Castle
Argyll PA37 12QT
Tel: 07974 765741
Honorary Consulate of Chile in Liverpool
20 Lakeland Close
Liverpool L1 5HY
Tel: 0151 708 7203
MR JULIO ARELLANO Honorary Consul (since 9 September 2003)
Honorary Consulate of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Birmingham
71 Vyse Street
Birmingham B18 6EX
Tel: 07404 897263
MR FRANCK TENDAY LWABA Honorary Consul (since 29 March 2009)
Honorary Consulate of Croatia in Fife
Birkhill Castle, Birkhill
Fife KY15 4QP
Tel: 0207 219 6781
ALEXANDER HENRY SCRYMEGEOUR, 12TH EARL OF DUNDEE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 15 February 2007)
Honorary Consulate of Cyprus in Birmingham
7 Orphanage Road
Birmingham B24 9HP
Tel: 0121 377 6407
Mob: 07894 909141
MR COSTAS PETROUIS Honorary Consul with responsibility for Birmingham (since February 2008)
Honorary Consulate of Cyprus in Bristol
44 Park Street
Bristol BS1 5JG
Tel: 0117 925 1139
Mob: 07961 521538
MR ATHANASIOS LAZARIDES Honorary Consul with responsibility for Bristol (since June 1998)
Honorary Consulate of Cyprus in Londonderry
132 Mountsandel Road
Londonderry BT52 1TA
Tel: 028 2766 8879
Fax: 028 7032 0901
Mob: 07901 816014
MR NICHOLAS LESTAS Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since June 2005)
Honorary Consulate of Cyprus in Glasgow
126-128 Great Western Road
Glasgow G4 9AD
Te/Faxl: 0141 3311366
Mob: 07801 628040
09:00 – 16:00 Monday to Thursday, 09:00 – 15:00 Friday
DR CONSTANTINOS HAJIVASSILIOU Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 4 July 2013)
Honorary Vice-Consulate of Cyprus in Dunblane
Newton Cottage
Newton Lane
Perthshire FK15 0HE
MRS RIDI EVRIDIKI STAKIS-CHRISTIE Honorary Vice-Consul with responsibility for Perthshire (since March 2000)
Honorary Consulate of Cyprus in Leeds
19 Wigton Chase
Leeds LS17 8SG
Tel: 0113 2680308 (Monday to Friday before 6pm)
Mob: 07790 336120
MR CHARLES (KIKIS) KYRIACOU Honorary Consul with responsibility for West Yorkshire (since 27 January 2010)
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic in Belfast
20 Comber Road
P.O. Box 8
Newtownards BT23 4RX
Tel: 028 91812424
MR MILAN MLÁDEK Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic in Edinburgh
12A Riselaw Crescent
Edinburgh EH10 6HL
Tel: 0131 4479509
DR PAUL MILLAR Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 7 May 1999)
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic in Gibraltar
Bland Group International
Cloister Building
Irish Town
Gibraltar GX11 1AA
Tel: +350 5401 6747
MR STANISLAV ČECH Honorary Consul with responsibility for Gibraltar (since 3 March 2016)
Honorary Vice-Consulate of Denmark in Aberdeen
14 Carden Place
Aberdeen AB10 1UR
Tel: 01224 632464
MR KEITH GORDON MACRAE Honorary Vice-Consul with responsibility for Aberdeen (since 22 February 1994)
Honorary Consulate of Denmark in Belfast
Donegall Square West
Belfast BT1 6JS
Tel: 02890 047917
MR KEVIN PAUL KINGSTON Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 6 June 2017)
Honorary Consulate of Denmark in Birmingham
Ocean House, Oxleasow Road
East Moons Moat
Worcestershire B98 0RE
Tel: 01527 460470
MR LASSE BO HANSEN Honorary Consul with responsibility for West Midlands, Staffordshire, Leicestershire, Warwickshire, Hereford, Worcester (since 6 December 2010)
Honorary Vice-Consulate of Denmark in Bradford and Leeds
11 Glen Road
Bingley BD16 3EU
Tel: 07779 297833
MR MICHAEL JAMES THORNILEY-WALKER Honorary Vice-Consul with responsibility for Bradford and Leeds (since 20 November 1986)
Honorary Consulate of Denmark in Cardiff
MRS ANNA ELISABETH ROTH Honorary Consul with responsibility for Brecknock and Radnor, Ceredigion, Carmarthen and Pembroke, Monmouth, Mid, South and West Glamorgan (since 6 May 2015)
Honorary Vice-Consulate of Denmark in Dover
c/o George Hammond PLC
Dover South Services
Limekiln Street
Kent CT17 9EF
Tel: 01304 248322
Mob: 07767 347810
MR JAMES GREGORY RYELAND Honorary Vice-Consul (since 7 April 1989)
Honorary Vice-Consulate of Denmark in Dundee
Kinnes Shipping Ltd
Stannergate Road
Dundee DD1 3NA
Tel: 01382 462858
MRS JILL HAWSON WHITTICK Honorary Vice-Consul (since 26 October 2011)
Honorary Consulate of Denmark in Edinburgh
48 Melville Street
Edinburgh EH3 7HF
Tel: 0131 220 0300
MR STUART MACPHERSON Honorary Consul with responsibility for Aberdeen, Angus, Banff, Berwick, Caithness, Clackmannan, East Lothian, Fife, Inverness, Kincardine, Kinross, Midlothian, Moray, Nairn, Orkney, Peebles, Perth, Ross and Cromarty, Roxburgh, Selkirk, Shetland, Stirling, Sutherland and West Lothian (since 1 January 2012)
Honorary Consulate of Denmark in Gibraltar
Cloister Building
Market Lane
PO Box 554
Tel: +350 200 12700
Tel after office hours: +350 200 127001
MR JOHN ANDREW GAGGERO Honorary Consul (since 15 February 1987)
Honorary Consulate of Denmark in Glasgow
Eadie House
74 Kirkintilloch Road
Bishopbriggs G64 2AH
Tel: 0141 762 2288
MR JAMES A WILLIS Honorary Consul with responsibility for Argyll, Ayr, Bute, Dumbarton, Dumfries, Kirkcudbright, Lanark, Renfrew, Wigtown, Androssan and Troon (since 1 February 1996)
Honorary Consulate of Denmark in Hull
Crowle House
PO Box 12
41 High Street
Hull HU1 1RJ
Tel: 91482 224911
MR THOMAS STEPHEN KETTLEWELL Honorary Consul with responsibility for Cleveland, North Humberside, North Yorkshire excluding Craven and Harrogate (since 10 June 2008)
Honorary Consulate of Denmark in Liverpool
Dan Tech UK Ltd.
Merlin Park
Ringtail Road
Burscough L40 8JY
Tel: 01704 894785
MR COLIN JAMES TURNER Honorary Consul with responsibility for Merseyside, Gwynedd, Cheshire, Cumbria, Clywd, South Ribble, Preston, Ribble Valley, Pendle, Montgomery, Salop, Isle of Man (since 10 May 2004)
Honorary Consulate of Denmark in Manchester
24 Church Lane
Manchester M25 1AJ
MS AGUSTA THORARINSDOTTIR Honorary Consul with responsibility for Greater Manchester, Cheshire, Chorley, Blackburn, Hyndburn, Rossendale, Burnley, Craven, Harrogate, West Yorkshire, South Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire (since 1 August 1988)
Honorary Consulate of Denmark in Milton Keynes
DSV Road Ltd.
Unit 3 and 4 Stratus Park
Brudenell Drive
Milton Keynes MK10 0JE
Tel: 01908 512255
MR LEIF ELKJAER TARP Honorary Consul with responsibility for Milton Keynes and Harwich (since 30 October 2006)
Honorary Consulate of Denmark in Newcastle upon Tyne
c/o Ben Hoare Bell
9 Regent Terrace
Gateshead NE8 1LU
Tel: 01908 512255
MR JOHN MCGREGOR PESCOTT Honorary Consul with responsibility for Durham and Northumberland (since 17 January 1986)
Honorary Vice-Consulate of Denmark in Plymouth and Dartmouth
4th Floor, Salt Quay House
Sutton Harbour
Plymouth PL4 0HP
Tel: 07860 601055
MR PHILIP RICHARD CARTER Honorary Vice-Consul (since 17 January 1986)
Honorary Vice-Consulate of Denmark in Portsmouth
Colman House
2-4 Landport Terrace
Portsmouth PO1 2RG
Tel: 023 9281 8032
MR PHILIP ALAN BERMAN Honorary Vice-Consul (since 19 January 1987)
Honorary Vice-Consulate of Denmark in Southampton
Manor Farm, Kewlake Lane
Hampshire SO40 2NT
Tel: 023 808 12155
Mob: 07732 748755
MS WENDY MAUGHAN Honorary Vice-Consul (since 14 December 1999)
Honorary Vice-Consulate of Denmark in Stornoway
Engebret Limited
Sandwick Road
Stornoway HS1 2SL
Tel: 01851 702303
MR CHARLES ALEXANDER SCHAU ENGEBRETSEN Honorary Vice-Consul (since 11 December 1987)
Honorary Vice-Consulate of Denmark in Wick
Harbour Office
Harbour Terrace
Wick KW1 5HB
Tel: 01955 602030
[email protected] MALCOLM BREMNER Honorary Vice-Consul (since 1 November 1997)
Honorary Consulate of Estonia in Aberdeen
5 Queen's Terrace
AB10 1XL Aberdeen
Tel: 01224 971133
MR SIMPSON BUGLASS Honorary Consul with responsibility for Aberdeenshire, Angus, Dundee, Highlands, Moray, Perth and Kinross, Na h-Eileanan Siar, Orkney and Shetland (since 6 December 2012)
Honorary Consulate of Estonia in Belfast
Hurst House
15-19 Corporation Square
Belfast BT1 3AJ
Tel: 028 9024 2242, 028 9023 5776
MR MARK JOSEPH EWINGS Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 10 January 2014)
Honorary Consulate of Estonia in Cheltenham
St. James House
St. James Square
Cheltenham GL50 3PR
Tel: 01242 248 211, 01242 226 712
MR JOHN WORKMAN Honorary Consul with responsibility for the West of England (since 1 July 2013)
Honorary Consulate of Estonia in Edinburgh
18a Upper Gilmore Place
Edinburgh EH3 9NP
Tel: +44 131 460 7765
[email protected]
MR PETER KENNETH FERRY Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 28 July 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Estonia in Jersey
La Solitude, La Ruelle Es Ruaux
St Brelade
Jersey JE3 8BB
Tel: 07700 707340
MR AUBERON ASHBROOKE Honorary Consul with responsibility for the Channel Islands (since 17 November 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Estonia in Leeds
The Salem Chapel
43 Hunslet Road
Leeds LS10 1JW
Tel: 0113 3 203 203
E-mail: [email protected]
PROF. ADAM BEAUMONT Honorary Consul with responsibility for Yorkshire and the Humber, North East, Cumbria, Lancashire, Greater Manchester, Merseyside, Cheshire and Isle of Man (since 18 April 2018)
Honorary Consulate of Finland in Belfast
People Plus NI, Guild House,
38 Mallusk Road
Newtownabbey BT36 4PP
MRS MARTINA MCKENZIE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 6 November 2017)
Honorary Consulate of France in Aberdeen
c/o Key Moves – Wilson & Duffus
14 Chapel Street
Aberdeen AB10 1SP
Tel: 01224 651 700, 07831 173 404
MR PETER YOUNG Honorary Consul
Honorary Consulate of France in Anguilla
Dragonfly – True Eyes
North Side
Tel: 00 1 264 584 22 08
MR QUENTIN MEILHAC Honorary Consul (since 2 October 2018)
Honorary Consulate of France in Bath
Francis Hotel
Ralph Allen Room
Queen Square
Bath BA1 2HH
Tel: 01225 482 006, 0795 454 3178
Tuesday 13.15 – 17.30 (by appointment only)
MRS JOSETTE LEBRAT Honorary Consul (since 31 August 2015)
Honorary Consulate of France in Belfast
4 Donegall Drive
Belfast BT38 9LT
Tel: 0289 337 3475, 0779 506 0048
MRS REGINE MCCULLOUGH Honorary Consul (since 18 December 2000)
Honorary Consulate of France in Birmingham
1 Victoria Square (office 310)
Birmingham B1 1BD
Tel: 0121 684 2782, 0776 883 860
MR ROBERT MILLE Honorary Consul (since 1 November 2007)
Honorary Consulate of France in Cardiff
6 Reardon Smith Court
Cardiff CF5 3JD
Tel: 0796 816 0139
Tuesday 17.30 – 20.00 (by appointment only)
MRS MARIE BROUSSEAU-NAVARRO Honorary Consul (since 17 February 2014)
Honorary Consulate of France in Chester
University of Chester
Binks Building
2nd Floor Parkgate Road
Chester CH1 4BJ
Tel: 0124 437 9052, 0796 923 0683
Wednesday morning (by appointment only)
MRS AUDE AUCLAIR Honorary Consul (since 3 November 2014)
Honorary Consulate of France in Douglas
29 Rhenwyllan Close
Port St Mary IM9 5NJ
Tel: 01624 836 909
MRS ANNIE NEDELLEC Honorary Consul (since 22 February 1996)
Honorary Consulate of France in Dover
c/o George Hammond PLC
Dover South Services
Limekiln Street
Dover CT17 9EF
Tel: 0130 424 8322, 0776 734 7810
Fax: 0130 424 0374
(by appointment only)
MR JAMES RYELAND Honorary Consul (since 23 May 1989)
Honorary Consulate of France in Gibraltar
ICC Building 2A Main Street
PO Box 557 Gibraltar
Tel: +350 200 48070
Fax: +350 200 76253
MR PIERRE FAYAUD Honorary Consul (since 2 March 2006)
Honorary Consulate of France in Glasgow
17 Coronation Way
Glasgow G61 1DA
Tel: 07502 046 000
MR JOHN CAMPBELL Honorary Consul (since 27 November 2012)
Honorary Consulate of France in Guernsey
Administrateur de la Maison
Victor Hugo
Hauteville House,38 Hauteville
Saint Peter Port
Guernsey GY1 1DG
Tel: 0148 172 9290, +33 607 66 44 75
Fax: 0148 171 5913
(by appointment only)
MRS ODILE BLANCHETTE Honorary Consul (since 1 January 2004)
Honorary Consulate of France in Jersey
71 Halkett Place
St Helier
Jersey JE2 4WG
Tel: 01534 726 256
MR CHRISTOPHER JOHN SCHOLEFIELD Honorary Consul (since 12 December 2018)
Honorary Consulate of France in Leeds
Scott Lane
Wetherby LS22 6LH
Tel: 0193 758 5558, 0771 548 7110
Fax: 0193 758 3556
(by appointment only)
MR JEREMY BURTON Honorary Consul (since 21 October 1985)
Honorary Consulate of France in Lerwick
c/o Seafood Shetland
Shetland Seafood Centre
Stewart Building
Lerwick ZE1 0LL
Tel: 01595 693 644
Fax: 01595 696 126
Honorary Consulate of France in Liverpool
Liverpool Cathedral
St James Mount
Liverpool L17 7A
Tel: 0151 702 7244, 0789 051 5254
Tuesday and Thursday 13.30 – 16.00
(by appointment only)
MR PHILIP DANIEL Honorary Consul (since 14 November 2013)
Honorary Consulate of France in Manchester
Alliance Française de Manchester
Ground Floor
125 Portland Street
Manchester M1 4KD
Tel: 0746 542 6639
Monday 12.15 – 14.00 and Wednesday 17.30 – 19.00
(by appointment only)
MR RODOLPHE SOULARD Honorary Consul (since 21 November 2016)
Honorary Consulate of France in Newhaven
Newhaven Port & Properties
Port Administration offices
East Quay
Newhaven BN9 0BN
Tel: 01273 616 070
MR MICHAEL SMEWING Honorary Consul (since 28 January 2019)
Honorary Consulate of France in Newcastle
26 Forth Place
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne NE1 4EU
Tel: 0191 637 5999, 0734 217 4611
(by appointment only)
MR ERIC DONJON Honorary Consul (since 28 April 2016)
Honorary Consulate of France in Nottingham
64 Burnthouse Road
Heanor DE75 7GS
Tel: 0751 711 8134
Friday afternoon
(by appointment only)
MR JEAN-CLAUDE LAFONTAINE Honorary Consul (since 28 January 2015)
Honorary Consulate of France in Penzance
1 Lane Reddin Terrace
Newlyn, Penzance
Cornwall TR18 5BL
Tel: 0173 636 1017, 0780 197 6325
Monday to Friday 8.00 – 17.30, Saturday 8.00 – 12.00
MR ANDREW MUNSON Honorary Consul (since 8 July 1988)
Honorary Consulate of France in Plymouth
22 South View Terrace
Devon PL4 9DQ
Tel (emergencies only): 07813 065419
MRS STÉPHANIE D’HAUSSY Honorary Consul with responsibility for the consular district of Devon and Dorset (since 23 April 2018)
Honorary Consulate of France in St Helena
MR MICHEL DANCOISNE-MARTINEAU Honorary Consul with responsibility for the consular district of St Helena (since 30 June 1991)
Honorary Consulate of France in Stornoway
c/o N L Macdonald Ltd
64-70 Bayhead Street
Stornoway HS1 2DZ
Tel: 01851 701 920/925
Fax: 01851 706 142
MRS FIONA MACDONALD Honorary Consul (since 14 July 2010)
Honorary Consulate of Georgia in Bristol
15 Woodside Road
Bristol BS15 8BH
Tel: 01179 041779
ALDERMAN DEREK STEPHEN PICKUP Honorary Consul with responsibility for South West England (since 2 August 2017)
Honorary Consulate of Georgia in Gibraltar
2, 3B Horse Barrack Lane
Girbraltar GX11 1AA
SARAH EDWINA VINSON HAYNES Honorary Consul (since 13 September 2018)
Honorary Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Aberdeen
Johnstone House
52-54 Rose Street
Aberdeen AB10 1HA
Tel: 01224 408408
MR GRAEME EDWARD Honorary Consul with responsibility for the city and port of Aberdeen (since 16 November 2010)
Honorary Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Barrow on Humber
Wood Lea
Westoby Lane
Barrow on Humber DN19 7DJ
Tel: 01469 531388, 07793 204890
MR SASCHA KRIPGANS Honorary Consul with responsibility for East Riding of Yorkshire, Humberside, Kingston upon Hull, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire, North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire, and Nottingham (since 27 February 2007)
Honorary Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Belfast
32 Agherton Drive
Portstewart BT55 7JQ
Tel: 07906 672175
DR ANGELA VAUPEL-SCHWITTAY honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 21 September 2016)
Honorary Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bristol
c/o Burgess Salmon LLP
One Glass Wharf
Bristol BS2 0ZX
Tel: 01179 392284
MR TIMOTHY MARK ILLSTON Honorary Consul with responsibility for Avon, Gloucestershire, and Somerset (since 14 September 2015)
Honorary Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Cardiff
c/o Berry Smith Solicitors
Haywood house
Dumfries Place
Cardiff CF10 3GA
Tel: 02920 345511
MRS HELGA ROTHER-SIMMONDS Honorary Consul with responsibility for Blaenau Gwent, Breconshire/Powys, Bridgend, Caerphilly, Carmarthenshire, Cardiff, Ceredigion, Merthyr Tydfil, Monmouthshire, Neath Port Talbot, Newport, Pembrokeshire, Rhondda Cynon Taff, Swansea, and the Vale of Glamorgan (since 21 March 1997)
Honorary Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Coventry
c/o E.ON UK plc
Westwood Way
Westwwod Business Park
Coventry CV4 8LG
Tel: 02476 193000 (Mon – Fri: 9am – 11am)
MRS KIRIN KALSI honorary Consul with responsibility for the West Midlands (since 18 May 2000)
Honorary Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Dover
c/o Dover South Services
Limekiln Street
Dover CT17 9EF
Tel: 07970 564091
MR JOHN REYLAND Honorary Consul with responsibility for Essex, East Sussex, Kent, and West Sussex (since 17 April 2003)
Honorary Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Glasgow
c/o Maclay Murray & Spens LLP
1 George Square
Glasgow G2 1AL
Tel: 01413 032415
MR MICHAEL J DEAN Honorary consul with resposibility for the city and port of Glasgow (since 20 December 2007)
Honorary Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Guernsey
55 Le Bordage
St Peter Port
Guernsey GY1 1BP
Tel: 01481 723456
MR CHRISTOPHER NICHOLAS BETLEY Honorary consul with responsibility for Alderney, Guernsey, and Sark (since 25 February 2008)
Honorary Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Jersey
St Peter’s Valley
St Lawrence
Jersey JE3 1E
Tel: 01534 280858
MR KENNETH SOAR Honorary Consul with responsibility for Jersey (since 18 June 2001)
Honorary Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Kirkwall (Orkneys)
Shore Street
Kirkwall KW15 1LG
Tel: 01856 872961
MR SINCLAIR ROBERTSON Honorary Consul with responsibility for the Orkney Islands (since 8 August 2007)
Honorary Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Leeds
c/o Gateley PLC
29 East Parade
Leeds LS1 5PS
Tel: 01132 041173 (Mon, Tues and Thurs: 9am – 12noon)
MR MARK GREEN Honorary Consul with responsibility for Barnsley, Bradford, Calderdale, Doncaster, Kirklees, Leeds, Manchester, Rotherham, Sheffield, Wakefield, and York (since 9 November 2000)
Honorary Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Lerwick (Shetland)
43 Kantersted Road
Shetland Islands ZE1 0RJ
Tel: 01595 695956, 0845 644 8658
MR DIETER GLASER Honorary consul with responsibility for the Shetland Islands (since 8 October 2009)
Honorary Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Liverpool
35 Rodney Street
Liverpool LE1 9EN
Tel: 07757 372 641 (Mon – Fri: 10am – 4pm)
DR ULRICH PFEIFFER Honorary Consul with responsibility for Cheshire, Conwy, Denbighshire, Flintshire, Gwynedd, Isle of Anglesey, Isle of Man, independent districts of Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens, Wirral, and Wrexham (since 9 December 2004)
Honorary Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Newcastle-upon-Tyne
76 Hotspur Street
Tynemouth NE30 4EN
Tel: 07855 777073
MS MANUELA WENDLER Honorary Consul with responsibility for Cumbria, Durham, Northumberland, North Yorkshire (except Selby), and Tyne and Wear (since 7 June 2017)
Honorary Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Plymouth
C/O the Business Centre
2 Cattedown Road
Plymouth PL4 0EG
Tel: 07582 228 976
MRS ANGELA SPATZ Honorary Consul with responsibility for Devon and Cornwall (since 22 April 2006)
Honorary Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Southampton
c/o Totton & Eling Tennis Centre
Aikman Lane
Hampshire SO40 8FT
Tel: 02380 667532
[email protected]
MR RICHARD CUTLER Honorary Consul with responsibility for Dorset, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, and Wiltshire (since 2 November 2012)
Honorary Consulate of Greece in Birmingham
57 Harborne Road
Birmingham B15 3DH
Tel: 0121 454 3369
MR CHRISTOFOROS PHILIPPIDIS Honorary Consul (since 16 July 1979)
Honorary Consulate of Greece in Edinburgh
12 Queens Crescent
Edinburgh EH9 2AZ
Tel: 0131 620 5496
MRS MELPOMENI PAPAIOANNOU-PLEVRI Honorary Consul (since 3 October 2002)
Honorary Consulate of Greece in Gibraltar
Suite 23, Portland House
Glacis Road
Gibraltar GX11 1AA
Tel: +350 2007 6651
Fax: +350 2005 2599
MR JOSEPH JOHN IMOSSI Honorary Consul (since 17 February 2009)
Honorary Consulate of Greece in Glasgow
1 Kirklee Quadrant
Glasgow G12 0TR
Tel: 0141 334 0360
Fax: 0141 230 3730
MRS IRINI-MARIA KAVOURA Honorary Consul (since 3 January 1997)
Honorary Consulate of Greece in Leeds
The Three Hierarchs
57 Harehills Avenue
Leeds LS8 4EU
Tel: 0113 265 7421
MRS ELEFTHERIA GKORTZI-GIANNOUDI Honorary Consul (since 7 December 2007)
Honorary Consulate of Guatemala in Belfast
39 Dillons Avenue
Belfast BT37 0SU
Tel: 07771 791 486
MR DECLAN G BOYLE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 10 May 1995)
Honorary Consulate of Hungary in Belfast
Tel: 07764 320 333
MR KENNETH JOHN THOMAS BELSHAW Honorary Consul with responsibility for Belfast (since 19 April 2012)
Honorary Consulate of Iceland in Aberdeen
Brodies House
31-33 Union Grove
Aberdeen AB10 6SD
Tel: 01224 392 381
Fax: 01224 398 492
MR CLIVE PHILLIPS Honorary Consul with responsibility for Aberdeen (since 21 March 2013)
Honorary Consulate of Iceland in Belfast
48 Ballydorn Road,
County Down
BT23 6QB
Tel: 0289 754 3336
Fax: 0289 754 1138
MR JAMES ROBERT NIXON Honorary Consul with responsibility for Belfast (since 1 September 2005)
Honorary Consulate of Iceland in Birmingham
C/o Coley & Tilley Solicitors
Neville House
14 Waterloo Street
Birmingham B2 5UF
Tel: 0121 643 5531
Mob: 07957 392 542
Fax: 0121 643 5571
MR NIGEL HOWARD DACE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Birmingham (since 1 September 2005)
Honorary Consulate of Iceland in Cardiff
78 Ryder Street
Cardiff CF11 9BU
Mob: 07730 568 184
MR ANGUS ÞÓR HÓLM MCFARLANE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Cardiff (since 1 September 2003)
Honorary Consulate of Iceland in Dover
C/o Dover South Services
Limekiln Street
Dover CT17 9EF
Tel: 01304 248 309
Fax: 01304 241 990
MR JOHN RYELAND Honorary Consul with responsibility for Dover (since 20 March 2009)
Honorary Consulate of Iceland in Edinburgh
Lamb’s House
11 Waters Close
Edinburgh EH6 6RB
Tel: 0131 467 7777
Fax: 0131 467 7774
[email protected] [email protected]
MS KRISTIN HULDA HANNESDÓTTIR Honorary Consul with responsibility for Edinburgh (since 3 October 2005)
Honorary Consulate of Iceland in Glasgow
Green Gables
Moor Road, Strathblane
Glasgow G63 9EX
Tel: 01360 771 741
MR NORMAN HAMILTON Honorary Consul with responsibility for Glasgow (since 14 June 1985)
Honorary Consulate of Iceland in Grimsby
c/o Wilkin Chapman LLP
Cartergate House
26 Chantry Lane
Grimsby DN31 2LJ
Tel: 01472 265 998
Fax: 01472 360 198
MR JONATHAN GOOLDEN Honorary Consul with responsibility for Grimsby (since 21 September 2018)
Honorary Consulate of Iceland in Hull
Andrew Jackson Solicitors
Marina Court
Castle Street
Hull HU1 1TJ
Tel: 01482 325 242
Mob: 07977 562 030
MR MARK WARBURTON Honorary Consul with responsibility for Hull (since 1 May 2006)
Honorary Consulate of Iceland in Liverpool
9 The Rowans
Aughton, Ormskirk
Lancs L39 6TD
Tel: 01695 421 378
MR ANTHONY BROWN Honorary Consul with responsibility for Liverpool (since 1 September 1984)
Honorary Consulate of Iceland in Manchester
24 Church Lane
Manchester M25 1AJ
Tel: 0161 691 5025
MS ÁGÚSTA ÞÓRARINSDÓTTIR Honorary Consul with responsibility for Manchester (since 12 February 2013)
Honorary Consulate of Iceland in Newcastle
1-3 Lansdowne Terrace
Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE3 1HN
Tel: 0191 213 1010
Fax: 0191 213 1704
MR DONALD CLIVE MCKEAG Honorary Consul with responsibility for Newcastle (since 15 March 2006)
Honorary Consulate of Ireland in Bermuda
PO Box HM 2267
3rd Floor, Windsor Place
22 Queen Street
Tel: +1 441 295 6574
MR JONE R KANE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Bermuda (since 24 October 2000)
Honorary Consulate of Italy in Aberdeen
77 Fountainhall Road
Aberdeen AB15 4EA
Mob: 07739 536 414
Thursdays 18.00-19.30 (by appointment only)
MR ROBERT ANDREW FOIETTA Honorary Consul with responsibility for the Grampian Region (since 29 April 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Italy in Ashford
44 Park Road
Kent TN24 9DL
MR ANTONINO COMPARETTO Honorary Consul with responsibility for Kent and East Sussex (since 5 August 2019)
Honorary Consulate of Italy in Bedford
Office 69
Union Street
Bedford MK40 4AH
(for passports and identity cards)
11 Lurke Street
Bedford MK40 3HZ
(for powers of attorney and birth, death and marriage registration – open Fridays only)
01234 356647
Monday and Wednesday 10.00-13.00 (by appointment only)
Friday 12.00-16.00 (by appointment only)
MR GAETANO MOLITERNO Honorary Consul with responsibility for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Buckinghamshire, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, Hertfordshire, Hitchin and Stevenage (since 6 March 2014)
Honorary Consulate of Italy in Belfast
1st Floor
1A Fitzwilliam Street
Belfast BT9 6AW
Mob: 07747 830 654
Mondays 17.30-19.30 (by appointment only)
DR. FEDERICA FERRIERI Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 3 October 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Italy in Birmingham
Birmingham Science Park Aston
Holt Court South
Jennens Road
Birmingham B7 4EJ
Tel: 0121 250 3565
MS ILARIA DI GIOIA Honorary Consul with responsibility for the West Midlands (since 18 April 2017)
Honorary Consulate of Italy in Bristol
MR LUIGI LINO Honorary Consul with responsibility for Avon, Cornwall, Devon, Gloucestershire and Somerset (since 5 August 2019)
Honorary Consulate of Italy in Cardiff
58 Kings Road
Cardiff CF11 9DD
Tel: 029 2034 1757
Monday, Wednesday and Friday10.30-13.30
MR ANTONINO CONTINO Honorary Consul with responsibility for Hereford, Worcester, Powys, Glamorgan and Dyfed-Gwent (since 29 June 2001)
Honorary Consulate of Italy in Cheshunt
Borough Offices
Room 15, Bishop’s College
Cheshunt EN8 9XB
Tel: 01992 620866
Tuesday and Thursday 9.30-13.00
MR CARMELO NICASTRO Honorary Consul with responsibility for Essex, north Middlesex and north Hertfordshire (since 12 December 2011)
Honorary Consulate of Italy in Gibraltar
PO Box 437
28 Irish Town
Tel: +350 200 47096
Fax +350 200 45591
MR PATRICK H. CANESSA Honorary Consul with responsibility for Gibraltar (since 6 September 2002)
Honorary Consulate of Italy in Glasgow
Anderson Strathearn, George House
50 George Square
Glasgow G2 1EH
Mob: 07450 616 552
Mondays 11.00-13.00 (by appointment only)
MR RONALD PATRICK CONVERY Honorary Consul with responsibility for the city of Glasgow and the districts of Bearsden, Clydebank, Renfrew and Eastwood (since 31 January 2017)
Honorary Consulate of Italy in Guernsey
MR STEFANO RANZO FINETTI Honorary Consul with responsibility for Channel Islands except Jersey (since 5 August 2019)
Honorary Consulate of Italy in Jersey
1A Douro Terrace
Le Mont Pinel
St Helier
Jersey JE2 4RS
Tel: 07797 888273
MS SERAFINA VENTICINQUE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Jersey (since 15 February 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Italy in Liverpool
Orien Chambers
Covent Garden
14-16 Water Street
Merseyside L2 8DT
Tel: 0151 305 1060
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 10:00-16:00
by appointment on Saturday
MR MARCO BOLDINI Honorary Consul with responsibility for Liverpool (since 15 November 2018)
Honorary Consulate of Italy in Manchester
MR GIUSEPPE TERMINE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Cheshire, Cleveland, Cumbria, Durham, Humberside, Lancaster, Greater Manchester, Merseyside, Northumberland, Stafford, Tyne and Wear, North Yorkshire, South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, Clwyd, Gwynedd, Powys, Isle of Man and Shropshire (since 5 August 2019)
Honorary Consulate of Italy in Newcastle upon Tyne
7 Martindale Walk
Newcastle upon Tyne NE12 6QT
Tel: 07508 408047
Monday 9.30-12.30 (by appointment only)
MR ROBERTO FERASIN Honorary Consul with responsibility for Newcastle upon Tyne (since 15 January 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Italy in Nottingham
Lace Market House
54-56 High Pavement
Lace Market
Nottingham NG1 1HW
Tel: 0115 9503133
Wednesday 10.00-12.00 (by appointment only at other times)
MS VALERIA PASSETTI RIBA Honorary Consul with responsibility for Nottingham, Derby, Leicester and Lincoln (since 10 May 2006)
Honorary Consulate of Italy in Peterborough
The Fleet, High Street
Peterborough PE2 8DL
Tel: 01733 893550, Mob: 07552 913229
Fax 01733 893550
Tuesday 9.30-15.00 (Saturday by appointment only)
MS CARMELA COCOZZA Honorary Consul with responsibility for Peterborough (since 27 December 2012)
Honorary Consulate of Italy in Watford
11 St. James Road
Watford WD18 0DZ
Mob: 07802 770308, Tel: 01923 213453 (for social welfare matters)
Tuesday and Thursday 9.30-13.00 (by appointment only)
MR LUCIANO RAPA Honorary Consul with responsibility for west Hertfordshire, south Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire (since 7 January 1992)
Honorary Consulate of Japan in Stockport
2 Milton Road
Cheshire SK7 2EL
Tel: 07831 865502
MR PETER HEGINBOTHAM Honorary Consul (since 1 January 2008)
Honorary Consulate of Japan in Newport
18 Stow Park Circle
Newport NP20 4HF
MR KEITH MERVILLE DUNN OBE Honorary Consul (since 9 December 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Kazakhstan in Ceredigion
Silian Lampeter
Ceredigion SA48 8AB
Tel: 01570 423 403
[email protected] [email protected]
MR DOUGLAS ALAN TOWNSEND Honorary Consul with responsibility for Wales (since 11 September 2015)
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Korea in Edinburgh
5 Atholl Crescent
Edinburgh EH3 8EJ
Tel: 0131 260 7532
DEREK A J MCCULLOCH Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 4 March 2015)
Honorary Consulate of Latvia in Cardiff
Lulworth House
Monk Street
Monmouthshire NP7 5NP
Tel: 01873 857 177
MR ANDRIS TAURINS Honorary Consul with responsibility for Wales (since 10 December 2001)
Honorary Consulate of Latvia in Edinburgh
11 Oxford Terrace
Edinburgh EH4 1PX
Tel: +447785318056
MR CHRISTOPHER JAMES KENMORE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland except Glasgow since (12 June 2019)
Honorary Consulate of Latvia in Glasgow
Harper Macleod LLP
The Ca'd'oro
45 Gordon Street
Glasglow G1 3PE
Tel: 0141 227 9576
MR DAVID KAYE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Glasgow (since 31 October 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Latvia in Guernsey
Apartment 8
Cordier Views
Cordier Hill
St Peter Port
Guernsey GY1 1JJ
Tel: 01481 259200
MS LILITA KRUZE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Guernsey (since 10 October 2014)
Honorary Consulate of Latvia in Liverpool
Overdale Road
South Wirral
Cheshire CH64 1SZ
Tel: 0151 600 3132
MR STEPHEN BURROWS Honorary Consul with responsibility for Liverpool (since 29 April 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Latvia in Northern Ireland
Dromalane Mill
Co Down
Northern Ireland BT35 8QS
Tel: 02830 254577
[email protected]; [email protected]
DR WILLIAM GERARD O’HARE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 27 January 2010)
Honorary Consulate of Latvia in the West Midlands
31a Sandford Street
Staffordshire WS13 6QA
Tel: 07729 301163
MRS KAREN MARIE TRACEY Honorary Consul with responsibility for the West Midlands (since 15 June 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Lithuania in Ballymena
2 Tullaghbrow
Ballymena BT42 2LY
Tel: 028 2564 2825
MR WILLIAM HARPER SINNERTON Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 30 September 1997)
Honorary Consulate of Lithuania in Greenhithe
Ingree Abbey, Prioress Crescent
Kent DA9 9UR
Tel: 0207 193 9878
MR SAMUEL ANDREW MALIN Honorary Consul with responsibility for Kent (since 7 March 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Lithuania in Lyme Regis
Ware House, Ware Lane
Lyme Regis
Dorset DT7 3RH
Tel: 0207 246 4122
SIR ROGER GIFFORD Honorary Consul with responsibility for Dorset (since 30 December 2014)
Honorary Consulate of Lithuania in Rushwick
Wick Episcopi, Upper Wick
Worcestershire WR2 5SY
Tel: 07710 083 366
MR KEITH REGINALD STOKES-SMITH Honorary Consul with responsibility for the West Midlands (since 2 September 1999)
Honorary Consulate of Luxembourg in Edinburgh
18 Charlotte Square
Tel: 0131 270 3004
MR PETER HILLIER Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 18 October 2013)
Honorary Consulate of Malawi in Edinburgh
Wester Saltoun Hall
East Lothian
EH34 5DS
DR PETER WEST Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (Since 1 June 2011)
Honorary Consulate of Malawi in Kent
Veetee Foods Lts
Sir Thomas Longley Road
Tel: 01634290092
MR MONI VARMA Honorary Consul with responsibility for England (Since 1 July 2003)
Honorary Consulate of Malawi in Leicester
26 Half Moon Crescent
Tel: 07973757601
Email: [email protected]
MR UDAY DHOLAKIA Honorary Consul with responsibility for Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Derbyshire, West Midlands, Yorkshire, Humberside, Greater Manchester, and Newcastle (Since 23 January 2020)
Honorary Consulate of Malawi in Northern Ireland
5 Kensington Gardens
Co Down
BT26 6HP
Tel: 07484717280
MR SAMUEL CARSON McMULLAN Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 16 January 2020)
Honorary Consulate of Malawi in West Sussex
The White House
West Sussex
GU28 0JZ
[email protected]
MR MIKE EYRE Honorary Consul with responsibility for the South East and South West of England (since 31 May 2019)
Honorary Consulate of Malta in Barry
Fonmon Castle
Barry CF62 3ZN
Tel: 01446 710 206
[email protected] [email protected]
SIR BROOKE CHARLES BOOTHBY Honorary Consul with responsibility for Wales (since 21 April 2008)
Honorary Consulate of Malta in Belfast
Stakeholder Communications
2 Donegal Square East
Belfast BT1 5HB
Tel: 02890 339949
MR TOM KELLY Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 3 April 2008)
Honorary Consulate of Malta in Gibraltar
c/o Barclays Bank
1st Floor
Regal House
3 Queensway
Tel: +350 200 52340
MR FRANCO CASSAR LOPORTO Honorary Consul with responsibility for Gibraltar (since 28 October 2003)
Honorary Consulate of Malta in the Isle of Man
17 Circular Road
Douglas IM1 1AF
Tel: 01624 670003
MR JOHN P. CONTI Honorary Consul with responsibility for Isle of Man (since 16 May 2006)
Honorary Consulate of Malta in Stirlingshire
Campsie Dean Road
Stirlingshire G63 9BW
Tel: 01360 770689
DR NICHOLAS PACE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 15 March 2006)
Honorary Consulate of Mauritius in Belfast
Andras House Limited
60 Great Victoria Street
Belfast BT2 7BB
Tel: 02890 878787
Fax: 02890 878797
Mobile: 07730 560186
MR RAMESH RANA Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 25 September 2008)
Honorary Consulate of Mauritius in Edinburgh
Edinburgh Medical Resources (UK Ltd)
Polwarth Pharmacy
10-14 Polwarth Gardens
Edinburgh EH11 1LW
Tel: 01312 293199
Mobile: 07730 560186
MR NAVEEN RAMADEEHUL Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 14 October 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Mexico in Belfast
757 Antrim Road
Co Antrim
Belfast BT15 4EN
Tel: 07760 438 944
[email protected] [email protected]
MR BRENDAN JAMES MCGINN Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 11 September 2015)
Honorary Consulate of Mexico in Cardiff
Culture Group, Saint Line House
Mount Stuart Square
Cardiff CF10 5LR
Tel: 0844 200 8516
[email protected] [email protected]
MR GLYNN JAMES PEGLER Honorary Consul with responsibility for Wales (since 6 February 2015)
Honorary Consulate of Mexico in Glasgow
33 Lomond Street
Glasgow G22 6JJ
Tel: 0141 336 3211
MR GERRY FACENNA Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 24 March 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Mexico in Manchester
ENER-G House
Daniel Adamson Road
Manchester M50 1DT
Tel: 01534 490400
[email protected] [email protected]
MR TIM SCOTT Honorary Consul with responsibility for the north west and north east of England, Humber and Yorkshire (since 29 August 2014)
Honorary Consulate of Monaco in Birmingham
SGH Martineau
1 Colmore Square
Birmingham B4 6AA
Tel: 0800 76 31 662
MR BENJAMIN THORNBER Honorary Consul with responsibility for Birmingham, Warwickshire, Staffordshire, Northamptonshire, Leicestershire and Shropshire (since 11 June 2012)
Honorary Consulate of Monaco in Edinburgh
23 Cluny Drive
Edinburgh EH10 6DW
Tel: 0131 447 1791
MR JOHN K SCOTT MONCRIEF Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 10 July 1985)
Honorary Consulate of Monaco in London
14-15 Belgrave Square
London SW1X 8PS
Tel: 0207 201 83 77
MR IVAN BOZIDAR IVANOVIC Honorary Consul with responsibility for Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Surrey, Middlesex, Huntingdonshire, Rutland, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Bedfordshire, Kent, East and West Sussex (since 18 October 2006)
Honorary Consulate of Mongolia in Bangor
PO Box 326
County Down BT20 9DF
Tel: 07790 654 247
MR RICHARD CRAIG HOLMES Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 30 November 2009)
Honorary Consulate of Mongolia in Glasgow
Floor 2,
144 West Regent Street
Glasgow G2 2RQ
Tel: 01416 394912
MR DAVID LEWIS SCOTT Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 30 October 2011)
Honorary Consulate of Namibia in Edinburgh
Kings Buildings,
James Hutton Road,
Edinburgh EH9 3FE
Tel: 0131 650 6014
PROFESSOR RACHEL WOOD Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 2 October
Honorary Consulate of Namibia in Cardiff
Cardiff University
University Hospital
Wales CF14 4XN
Tel: 02920 743110
PROFESSOR JUDITH HALL Honorary Consul with responsibility for Wales (since 2 October 21 June 2018)
Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands in Aberdeen
Bishop’s Court
29 Albyn Place
Aberdeen AB10 1YL
Mob: 078 0891 9498
MR ALEXANDER PHILIP MANSON Honorary Consul with responsibility for Perth and Kinross, Dundee, Angus, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Highland, Western Isles, Orkney Islands and Shetland Islands (since 1 February 2012)
Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands in Belfast
All-Route Shipping (NI) Ltd
14-16 West Bank Road
Belfast BT3 9JL
028 90779088
Mob: 07753638889
MR SAMUEL CARSON MCMULLAN Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 1 September 1999)
Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands in Bermuda
3 Rocky Ridge Road
Smith’s HS02
+1 441 296 5890
MR TJERK FOLKERT NEIJMEIJER Honorary Consul with responsibility for Bermuda (since 19 February 2019)
Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands in Birmingham
4 Merse Road
North Moons Moat
Redditch B98 9HL
Mob: 07552 860 817
MR LAMBERT GERARDUS THIJSSEN Honorary Consul with responsibility for West Midlands, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Hereford and Worcester, Gloucestershire, Avon, Somerset, Wiltshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland (since 1 July 2016)
Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands in Cardiff
Eversheds LLP
1 Callaghan Square
Cardiff CF10 5BT
Tel: 02920 447 647
MRS HELEN THOMAS Honorary Consul with responsibility for South, Mid and West Glamorgan, Dyfed, Powys and Gwent (since 1 March 2016)
Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands in Dover
c/o George Hammond PLC
Dover South Services
Limekiln Street
Dover CT17 9EF
Tel: 01304 248 322
Mob: 07767 347 810
MR JAMES GREGORY RYLAND Honorary Consul with responsibility for Kent and East Sussex (since 24 April 1990)
Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands in Edinburgh
Baird House
4 Lower Gilmore Bank
Edinburgh EH3 9QP
Tel: 07731 553 120
MR FRANCIS DAMIAN GILL Honorary Consul with responsibility for Dumfries and Galloway, Borders, North, South and East Ayrshire, North and South Lanarkshire, West and East Lothian, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Falkirk, Fife, East Renfrewshire, Renfrewshire, Glasgow, East and West Dunbartonshire, Inverclyde, Argyll and Bute, Stirling and Clakmannanshire (since 1 October 2009)
Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands in Gibraltar
Tel: +34 633 89 3332
MS RAACIDA AMENZOU Honorary Consul with responsibility for Gibraltar (since 1 October 2009)
Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands in Guernsey
MD ABN AMRO Guernsey Ltd
PO Box 253, Martello Court
Admiral Park
St Peter Port
Guernsey GY1 3QT
Tel: 01481 751 276/600
Mob: 07911 723 645
MR GRAHAM THOUME Honorary Consul with responsibility for Guernsey (since 20 April 2016)
Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands in Hull
Crowle House
41 High Street
Hull HU1 1RJ
Tel: 01482 224 911
Mob: 07774 721 951
MR THOMAS STEPHEN KETTLEWELL Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, Durham, Hartlepool, Stockon-on-Tees, Darlington, Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland, North Yorkshire, York, East Riding of Yorkshire, Kingston-upon-Hull, North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire (since 1 December 2002)
Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands in Liverpool
6 Cumbers Drive
Ness, Neston
Cheshire CH64 4AU
Mob: 07724 353 464
MR DAVID LEONARD PRIOR Honorary Consul with responsibility for Merseyside, Lancashire (west of the M6), Gwynedd, Clwyd and Isle of Man (since 31 March 2000)
Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands in Manchester
6 Cumbers Drive
Ness, Neston
Cheshire CH64 4AU
Mob: 07724 353 464
MR DAVID LEONARD PRIOR Honorary Consul with responsibility for Cumbria, Greater Manchester, West and South Yorkshire, Blackburn with Darwen, Derbyshire, Derby, Cheshire and Lancashire (east of the M6) (temporary appointment)
Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands in Southampton
c/o UTI Worldwide (UK) Ltd
Unit 2, Airways Distribution Park
Wide Lane
Southampton SO18 2RT
Tel: 02381 290 650
MR IAN MORAN Honorary Consul with responsibility for Dorset, Hampshire, West Sussex, Isle of Wight, Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (since 1 October 2015)
Honorary Consulate of New Zealand in Belfast
57 Park Road
Belfast BT7 2FX
Tel: 07713 514 879
PROFESSOR SINCLAIR GUILLAUME STOCKMAN Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 20 January 2017)
Honorary Consulate of New Zealand in Edinburgh
Blackadders Solicitors
5 Rutland Square
Edinburgh EH1 2AX
Tel: 0131 222 8109
SIR NEIL MCINTOSH CBE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 7 July 2014)
Honorary Consulate of Norway in Aberdeen
14 Garden Place
Aberdeen AB10 1UR
Tel: 01224 632 464
Fax: 01224 632 184
[email protected] [email protected]
MR KEITH GORDON MACRAE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Aberdeen and Aberdeemshire (since 18 February 1994)
Honorary Consulate of Norway in Belfast
Michael F Ewings Shipping Ltd.
15-19 Corporation Square
Belfast BT1 3AJ
Tel: 02890 90242 242
Fax: 02890 90235 776
MR MICHAEL PATRICK EWINGS Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 17 February 1995)
Honorary Consulate of Norway in Douglas
Capital House
Circular Road
Isle of Man IM1 1AG
Tel: 01624613 330
Fax: 01624 613 162
MR LARS TORGEIR UGLAND Honorary Consul with responsibility for Isle of Man (since 27 October 2011)
Honorary Consulate of Norway in Dundee
Kinnes Shipping Ltd.
Stannergate Road
Dundee DD1 3NA
Tel: 01382 462858
Fax: 01382 462870
MS JILL WHITTICK Honorary Consul with responsibility for Dundee, Angus, Fife, Perth and Kinross (since 28 June 2002)
Honorary Consulate of Norway in Edinburgh
12 Rutland Square
Edinburgh EH1 2BB
Tel: 0131 228 2444
Fax: 0131 228 1449
[email protected] [email protected]
MR DAVID MICHAEL WINDMILL Honorary Consul with responsibility for Edinburgh, West Lothian, Midlothian, East Lothian, Scottish Borders, the Shetland Isles and Western Isles (since 1 October 2008)
Honorary Consulate of Norway in Gibraltar
Sandpits Vaults
Off Rosia Road
PO Box 133
Tel: +350 200 77242
Fax: +350 200 77342
JOHN ISLOLA Honorary Consul with responsibility for Gibraltar (since 21 December 2017)
Honorary Consulate of Norway in Glasgow
18 Woodside Crescent
Glasgow G3 7UL
Tel: 0141 333 0618
Fax: 0141 353 2190
MR JOHN STEPHEN DENHOLM Honorary Consul with responsibility for Glasgow, West and East Dunbartonshire, North Lanarkshire, East Renfrewshire, Renfrewshire Inverclyde, Clackmannanshire, Argyll and Bute, Stirling and Falkirk, Dumfries and Galloway, South, East and North Ayrshire including the Isle of Arran and South Lanarkshire (since 1 August 1997)
Honorary Consulate of Norway in Grimsby
Sutcliffe House
Flour Square
Grimsby DN31 3LS
Tel: 01472 359101
Fax: 01472 241935
MR ANDREW SURFLEET Honorary Consul with responsibility for Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire (since 3 March 2005)
Honorary Consulate of Norway in Kirkwall
Roebank, High Street
Orkney KW15 1AZ
Tel: 01856 871375
Fax: 01856 875002
Honorary Consulate of Norway in Manchester
Churchgate House
56 Oxford Street
Manchester M60 7HJ
Tel: 0161 236 6546
MS ALEXANDRA CROOK Honorary Consul with responsibility for Greater Manchester (since 7 September 2007)
Honorary Consulate of Norway in Newcastle upon Tyne
14 Grey Street
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6AE
Tel: 0191 232 6358
MR NIGEL ALISTAIR WESTWOOD Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northumberland, Durham, Tyne and Wear, Cleveland and Yorkshire (since 20 November 1987)
Honorary Consulate of Norway in Plymouth
27 Greensway Road
Tavistock PL19 8HB
Tel: 01822 613471
MS JILL SANDERS Honorary Consul with responsibility for Devon and Cornwall (since 23 October 1997)
Honorary Consulate of Poland in Jersey
6 Hill Street
St Helier
Jersey JE4 8YX
Tel: 07700 811 719
MRS MAGDALENA CHMIELEWSKA Honorary Consul with responsibility for Jersey (since 24 February 2012)
Honorary Consulate of Poland in Beverley
41 North Bar Without
Beverley HU17 7AG
Tel: 01482 465 799
PROF JOSEPH CARBY-HALL Honorary Consul with responsibility for Humberside (since 16 February 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Poland in Gibraltar
35 Governor’s Parade
Tel: +35 0200 74593
MR ANTHONY J P LOMBARD Honorary Consul with responsibility for Gibraltar (since 1 September 1994)
Honorary Consulate of Poland in Newry
The City Hall
Bank Parade
Newry BT35 6HR
Tel: 028 3000 2099
MR JEROME MULLEN Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 27 June 2008)
Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Belfast
Mayfair Business Park, 193 Cavaghy Road
Portadown, BT62 1HA
Tel: 07595 746 799
MR LUIS DANIEL SANTOS GOUVEIA Honorary Consul with responsibility of Northern Ireland (since 6 March 2015)
Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Edinburgh
37/3 William Street
Edinburgh, EH12 3LW
Tel: 07711 199 297
THE VERY REVD DR GRAHAM FORBES OBE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 11 June 2018)
Honorary Consulate of Portugal in St. Helier
Burlington House, Saint Saviours Road
St. Helier
Jersey JE2 4LA
[email protected]
MR MANUEL RODRIGUES DA SILVA Honorary Consul with responsibility for Jersey and Guernsey (since 10 October 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Romania in Aberdeen
40 Denwood, Aberdeen, AB15 6JF
Phone: 07817519293
Email: [email protected]
MRS MARIA MARCAS Honorary Consul with responsibility for Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, and Angus (since 6 June 2019)
Honorary Consulate of Romania in Bristol
1 Redland Park, Bristol BS6 6SA
Phone: +44 (0) 7711880233
E-mail: [email protected]
MR. DR.RAZVAN-UNGUREANU CONSTANTINESCU General Honorary Consul with responsibility for Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire (since 24 August 2017)
Honorary Consulate of Romania in Glasgow
Phone: +44(0)7340273113
E-mail: [email protected]
COL. JOHN LEWIS KELLY Honorary Consul with responsibility for Inverclyde, West Dumbartonshire, East Dumbartonshire, North Lanarkshire, East Renfrewshire, Renfrewshire and the city of Glasgow (since 19 August 2015)
Honorary Consulate of Romania in Inverness
110 Church Street, Inverness, IV1 1EP
Phone: 07903 530449
E-mail: [email protected]
MR. DREW HENDRY Honorary Consul with responsibility for North of Scotland including Highlands and islands of Hebrides, Skye, Orkney and Shetland (since 28 November 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Romania in Jersey
19 Val Plaisant, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4TE
E-mail: [email protected]
MRS. ANDREEA MARIA GHIȘOI Honorary Consul (Since 13 March 2018)
Honorary Consulate of Romania in Leeds
31 Park Drive, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 5EB
Phone./ Fax: 0113 217 4556
E-mail: [email protected], www.romaniaconsulate.org.uk
MRS. ANNEMARIE VIȘOIANU-KANATAS Honorary Consul with responsibility for Yorkshire, Humberside, Lancashire, Blackpool, Blackburn with Darwen, Greater Manchester, Merseyside, Warrington, Halton and Cheshire (Since 28 November 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Romania in Liverpool
20 Crosby Road South, Liverpool L22 1RQ
Phone: +44 (0) 330 220 0080; Fax: +44 (0) 872 085 0725
E-mail: [email protected]
MR. VIOREL RĂDUCĂNESCU, FICS Honorary Consul with responsibility for the North West, Merseyside, Lancashire, Blackpool, Warrington, Halton, Cheshire west, Cheshire east, Chester, Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Derby and Nottingham (since 28 November 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Romania in Morpeth
25, Howard Terrace, Morpeth, Northumberland NE61 1HT
Phone /Fax: +44 (0) 1670 504325, Mobile: +44 (0) 7977987173
e-mail: [email protected]
MRS. MIHAELA RADOSTINA DICKSON Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northumberland, Durham, Tyneside, Teesside, North Yorkshire and Cumbria (since 28 November 2016)
Honorary Consulate of Romania in Swansea
Comcen Computer Supplies Ltd, Bruce Road, Swansea SA5 4HS
Website: http://romanianconsulate.wales/
Phone: +44 01792 515552
E-mail: [email protected]
MRS. DIANA SARA STROIA-MATTHEWS Honorary Consul (since 31 October 2017)
Honorary Consulate of Romania in Winchester
Wates House, Wallington Hill, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 7BJ
Phone: 07707 201001
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: https://www.consulate-winchester.org
MR. CĂLIN HUMĂ Honorary Consul with responsibility for Hampshire & Isle of Wight, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Surrey, West & East Sussex (since 22 January 2018)
Honorary Consulate of Russia in Newtownstewart
Barons Court
County Tyrone BT78 4EZ
Tel: 028 8166 2299
Fax: 028 8166 3002
ALEXANDRA ANASTASIA HAMILTON, THE DUCHESS OF ABERCORN Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 7 July 2014)
Honorary Consulate of Russia in Norwich
Albert Bartlet
Station Road
NR28 9RX
MR RONNIE ALEXANDER BARTLETT Honorary Consul with responsibility for Norfolk (since 23 January 2020)
Honorary Consulate of Rwanda in Kilsyth
82 Arden Grove
North Lanarkshire G65 9NU
Tel: 01236 827 251
DR CALLUM HENDERSON Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 9 October 2013)
Honorary Consulate of Rwanda in Jersey
St John’s Manor
Jersey JE3 4EH
Tel: 01534 862 300
MR JOHN W DICK Honorary Consul with responsibility for the Channel Islands (since 8 December 2003)
Honorary Consulate of the Democratic Republic of São Tomé & Principe in London
11 Briary Court,
Turner Street,
London E16 1AN
Tel: 07977 260564
MR CHRIS BUCKWELL Honorary Consul with responsibility for London (since 14 May 2018)
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of San Marino in London
DR MAURIZIO BRAGAGNI Honorary Consul with responsibility for the United Kingdom and
Northern Ireland (since 26 September 2019)
Baird House
15-17 Saint Cross St
London EC1N 8UW
Tel: +44 203 4093097
Honorary Consulate of Slovakia in Cardiff
c/o CJCH Solicitors Cardiff Wales
Williams House
11-15 Columbus Walk
Cardiff CF10 4BY
Tel: 029 2048 3181
Fax: 029 2049 8377
Mobile: 07970 979437 (emergencies only)
NIGEL BRUCE HAROLD PAYNE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Wales (since 1 October 2005)
Honorary Consulate of Slovakia in Belfast
Scottish Provident Building
Donegal Square West
Belfast BT1 6JH
Tel: 028 9521 5533
MR THOMAS SULLIVAN Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 1 October 2005)
Honorary Consulate of Slovakia in Glasgow
Suite 3/1, Skypark 3
14 Elliot Place,
Glasgow G3 8EP
Tel: 0845 450 9460
MR CRAIG WILLIAM MURRAY Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland and Northern England (since 1 October 2015)
Honorary Consulate of Spain in Aberdeen
1 East Craibstone Street
Aberdeen AB11 6YQ
Tel: 07939 506769
MR IGNACIO CHANZA-JORDAN Honorary Consul with responsibility for the Highlands, Grampian region, Shetland and Orkney Islands (since 23 March 2012)
Honorary Consulate of Spain in Banbridge
37-39 Rathfriland Street
Co. Down BT32 4AS
Tel: 028 4062 6666
MR TREVOR THOMAS MCBURNEY Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 1 January 2011)
Honorary Consulate of Spain in Bermuda
Olicana, 11 Jennings Road
FL04 Bermuda
Tel: 295 30 62
Fax: 295 53 86
ARNOLDA CATHARINE JACOMINA DEAN Honorary Consul with responsibility for Bermuda (since 1 August 1981)
Honorary Consulate of Spain in Birmingham
23 Michael Drive
Birmingham B15 2EL
Tel: 440 39 30
MR MATÍAS GÓMEZ SÁNCHEZ Honorary Consul with responsibility for Birmingham (since 1 May 1988)
Honorary Consulate of Spain in Cayman Islands
207 Sparky Drive
PO Box 233, George Town
Grand Cayman KY1 1104
Tel: 949 24 00
Mobile: 525 56 03
Fax: 945 22 89
MR GARTH ALEXANDER ARCH Honorary Consul with responsibility for Cayman Islands (since 1 January 2009)
Honorary Consulate of Spain in Jersey
Linden House
Bagatelle Road
St. Saviour
Jersey JE2 7TY
Tel: 01534 610987
Mobile: 07700 888 999
MRS AIDA DE LA HERRÁN-SABICK Honorary Consul with responsibility for the Channel Islands (since 26 June 2018)
Honorary Consulate of Spain in Liverpool
Gladstone House
2 Church Road
Liverpool L15 9EG
Tel: 0151 734 6532
MR ENRIQUE SÁNCHEZ GÓMEZ Honorary Consul with responsibility for Merseyside, Cheshire and Lancashire (since 1 November 2011)
Honorary Consulate of Spain in Glasgow
3rd Floor
5 St Vincent Place
Glasgow G1 2DH
Tel: 0141 275 4855
Mobile: 07955 013 633
MR JOSÉ LUIS MARTINEZ HENS Honorary Consul with responsibility for Glasgow and the West of Scotland (since 30 May 2018)
Honorary Consulate of Sri Lanka in Edinburgh
38 Minto Street
Edinburgh EH9 2BS
Tel: 01312 421383
PROFESSOR MICHAEL PHILLIP EDDLESTON Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 22 May 2017)
Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Belfast
1 Corry Place
Belfast Harbour Estate
Belfast BT3 9AH
Tel: 028 9035 0035
Fax: 028 9035 0005
MR DAVID CLARKE Honorary Consul with jurisdiction in Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry and Tyrone (since 13 July 2006)
Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Brighton
7 The Drive
Brighton BN3 3JS
Tel: 07860 277 593
MRS AGNETA FITCH Honorary Consul with responsibility for East and West Sussex (since 20 July 1987)
Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Bermuda
11 Devon Heights Road
Devonshire Parish, DV08, Bermuda
Tel: 441 705.5055
MS ALEXANDRA JUUL-WILSON Honorary Consul with responsibility for Bermuda (since 1 February 2019)
Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Cardiff
c/o New Law Solicitors
Helmont House, Churchill Way
Cardiff CF10 2HE
Tel: 07720 436 660, 029 2078 4225
MRS ELISABETH ROTH Honorary Consul with responsibility for Avon, Cornwall, Devon, Dyfed, Gloucestershire, Gwent, Mid Glamorgan, , South Glamorgan, West Glamorgan, Wiltshire, Powys, Somerset (since 30 June 2011)
Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Dover
c/o George Hammond PLC
Dover South Services
Limekiln Street
Dover CT17 9EF
Tel: 01304 248322
Fax: 01304 240374
MR JAMES RYELAND Honorary Consul with responsibility for Kent east of Tunbridge Wells and Faversham (21 April 1989)
Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Edinburgh
Collins House
Rutland Square
Edinburgh EH1 2AA
Tel: 0131 242 5588
Fax: 0131 242 5523
MR DREW WALLACE Honorary Consul with responsibility for Borders, Central, Fife, Grampian, Highland, Lothian and Tayside, and Cleveland, Cumbria (south of a line Workington – Cross Fell), Durham (south of a line St. John's Chapel – Easington) and North Yorkshire (north of a line Hawes – Scarborough), Orkney Islands (since 21 April 2016)
Honorary Consulate General of Sweden in Gibraltar
Cloister Building
Irish Town
PO Box 212 (mailing address)
Tel: +350 200 79200
Fax: +350 200 76189
MR JAMES GAGGERO Honorary Consul General with responsibility for Gibraltar (since 22 April 1996)
Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Glasgow
Hunter Advisers
185 St. Vincent Street
Glasgow G2 5QD
Tel: 0141 204 4041
MR DAVID HUNTER Honorary Consul with responsibility for Dumfries, Galloway, Strathclyde (since 1 August 2003)
Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Immingham
c/o Carlbom Shipping Ltd.
Mariner House
Trondheim Way
North East Lincolnshire DN40 2NU
Tel: 01469 571 387
Fax: 01469 571 023
MRS CAMILLA CARLBOM FLINN Honorary Consul with responsibility for Humberside, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire (since 28 July 2008)
Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Jersey & Guernsey
15 Esplanade
St Helier,
Tel: 0153 740 205 / 0153 740 183
Fax: 0153 740074
MR MICHAEL POWELL Honorary Consul with responsibility for the Channel Islands (since 19 December 2011)
Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Lerwick
c/o Mr Iain Tulloch
Linnabretta, 13 Stout’s Court
Shetland ZE1 0AF
Tel: 01595 694 064 / 01595 692 991
MR IAIN TULLOCH Honorary Consul with responsibility for the Shetland Islands (since 16 October 1994)
Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Liverpool
Rathbone Bros. & Co.
Port of Liverpool Building
Pier Head
Liverpool L3 1NW
Tel: 0151 236 6666
Fax: 0151 243 7001
MR JAMES HEDLEY Honorary Consul with responsibility for Cheshire (west of Warrington and Audlem), Clwyd, Gwynedd, North Wales, Anglesey, Lancashire, Merseyside (since 1 January 2001)
Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Manchester
Beaumont House
455 Chester Road
Old Trafford
Manchester M16 9HA
Tel/Fax: 0161 834 4814
MR SÖREN TATTAM Honorary Consul with responsibility for Cheshire (east of a line between Warrington and Audlem), Derbyshire (north of a line between Buxton and Bulsover), North Yorkshire (south of a line between Hawes and Scarborough), South Yorkshire, Greater Manchester, West Yorkshire (since 13 January 1989)
Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Newcastle Upon Tyne
Newcastle Civic Centre
Main Entrance
Newcastle NE1 8PB
Tel: 0191 406 9081 / 07976 414 643
MRS CAROLINE THEOBALD Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northumberland, Tyne and Wear Cumbria (north of a line between Workington and Cross Fell), Durham (north of a line between St. John's Chapel and Easington) (since 7 February 2007)
Honorary Consulate of Switzerland in Belfast
54 Priory Park
Belfast BT10 0AE
Tel: 07733 595 595
MS FRANZISKA HEWITT Honorary Consul with responsibility for Northern Ireland (since 1 January 2009)
Honorary Consulate of Switzerland in Bermuda
2 Reid Street
Hamilton BH HM11
Tel +1 441 295 5588
MR FABIAN SCHÖNENBERG Honorary Consul with responsibility for Bermuda (since 1 July 2008)
Honorary Consulate of Switzerland in Cardiff
c/o Capital Law LLP
Capital Building
Tyndall Street Cardiff CF10 4AZ
Tel: 01792 423 504
MRS RUTH THOMAS-LEHMANN Honorary Consul with responsibility for Wales (since 15 September 2006)
Honorary Consulate General of Switzerland in Edinburgh
11/2 Regent Terrace
Edinburgh EH3 5NB
Tel: 0131 5589 402
MR PETER MÜLLER-MCDOUGALL Honorary Consul General with responsibility for Scotland (since 1 May 2011)
Honorary Consulate of Switzerland in Gibraltar
Suite 206
Neptune House
Marina Bay
PO Box 268
Gibraltar GX11 1AA
Tel: +350 200 51051
MS ELEONORA GHERARDI Honorary Consul with responsibility for Gibraltar (since 22 October 2013)
Honorary Consulate of Switzerland in Manchester
c/o Land Law LLP
10-14 Market Street
Altrincham WA14 1QB
Tel: 0161 928 8383
MR HANS SCHEIWILLER Honorary Consul with responsibility for the north of England (since 23 June 2015)
Honorary Consulate of Thailand in Cardiff
9 Mount Stuart Square
Cardiff CF10 5EE
Tel: 0292 046 5777
MR THEODORUS COLIANDRIS Honorary Consul with responsibility for Wales (since 30 September 2013)
Honorary Consulate of Thailand in Gibraltar
120 Main Street
Gibraltar GX11 1AA
Tel: +350 220 71851
MR MARK PORRAL Honorary Consul with responsibility for Gibraltar (since 3 October 2000)
Honorary Consulate of Thailand in Glasgow
4 Woodside Place
Charing Cross
Glasgow G3 7QF
Tel: 0141 353 5090
MR ALEXANDER DONALD STEWART Honorary Consul with responsibility for Scotland (since 16 March 1983)
Honorary Consulate of Thailand in Hull
Priory Court, Saxon Way
Priory Park West
Hull HU13 9PB
Tel: 0148 258 1668
MR ALAN PAUL TAYLOR Honorary Consul (since 13 November 1980)
Honorary Consulate of Thailand in Liverpool
35 Lord Street
Liverpool L2 9SQ
Tel: 0151 255 1070
MR NICHOLAS A WAINWRIGHT Honorary Consul (since 22 September 1992)
Honorary Consulate of Uganda in Leicester and Midlands
6 Heythrop Close
Leicester LE2 4SL
Tel: 01162664668
[email protected]
MR. JAFFER KAPASI OBE Honorary Consul (since 20 May 2015)