Category: Asia Pacific

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

UK Travel Update: Portugal Drops from Green List, 7 Countries to be Added to Red List

The British government revealed on 3 June its first changes to the travel “traffic light system” which has caused dismay for the travel and tourism industries and would-be holidaymakers. There were widespread hopes for fresh destinations to be added to England’s “green list” of countries where quarantine-free travel is permitted. However, no new countries have…
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Denmark Working Holiday Visa

Denmark is south of Norway and Sweden and north of Germany.  Denmark is home to the world’s oldest monarchy and is a great country to explore historical castles and many historical Viking sites. Denmark has a long coastline which is a great place for water activities, and beach holidays are a popular activity. The county…
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Greece Opens for Travel and Tourism

Greece officially launched its 2021 tourism season on 14th May. It reopened museums and beaches after the global pandemic put a halt to travel & tourism in a country that heavily relies on tourists.  This year, it has implemented its own vaccine and testing requirements for visitors prior to the EU bringing in its own…
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Belgium Working Holiday Visa

If the abundance of world-famous beer, waffles and chocolate isn’t enough reason to visit Belgium, how about the picturesque towns and incredible architecture of the quiet medieval villages?  Belgium has entered an agreement with several countries to allow young adults to experience and understand the local culture of the participating countries. A Working Holiday Visa…
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Spain Allows Visitors from the UK and Other Countries from Monday

Spain is currently on the UK’s amber travel list. It means that anyone returning has to self-isolate for 10 days and take two COVID tests. But from this Monday, Spain will allow travellers from the UK and Japan for holidays without the need for a negative PCR test for COVID-19. Being on the UK’s amber…
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