Category: Asia Pacific

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

What is the Tier 5 UK Youth Mobility Scheme?

The Tier 5 Youth Mobility Scheme (YMS) Visa was introduced in 2008 and replaced the previous Working Holiday Visa. The United Kingdom exited the European Union on 31 January 2020 and with Brexit came the UK’s points-based system officially introduced on 1 January 2021. Anyone who wants to work or study in the UK and…
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How to Get a Work Visa in Taiwan After Your Studies: Post Study Work Options

Taiwan is a semi-tropical island in East Asia and is highly developed in terms of economy, technology and transportation.  Despite the country’s dense population and a massive expansion of industry and agriculture, Taiwan remains a realm of striking highlands with lush forests. For a relatively small island, Taiwan is incredibly mountainous. Taiwan’s position on the…
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Japan Working Holiday Visas

Japan might be a tiny island nation but it is undeniable that there are a lot to discover and explore in every corner of this fascinating country. The working holiday programmes are based on bilateral arrangements, intended to make it possible for the youth of Japan and its partner countries to enter each country primarily…
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Travel Bubble Between Australia and New Zealand to Start on 19 April

New Zealand has announced it will open a long-anticipated travel bubble with Australia on 19 April. The start of quarantine-free travel between the neighboring nations comes as a relief to families who have been separated by the coronavirus pandemic as well as to struggling tourist operators. While most Australian states have allowed quarantine-free visits from…
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Spain Travel Update: Travel Restrictions for Third Countries Extended Until 30 April

Spanish authorities have extended restrictions on non-essential travel from countries outside the European Union and the Schengen Zone until April 30 in order to halt the further spread of the Coronavirus disease. Initially, the restriction was scheduled to end on 31 March however, due to increasing coronavirus cases, the Spanish government decided to keep the…
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