Category: Asia Pacific

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Australia Day Public holiday closure

Due to the Australia Day public holiday, the biometric enrolment centres in Australia will be closed on Monday 27 January 2014. Also, the call centre will be closed for this public holiday. Australia centre standard processing times are: – 15 working days for non-settlement applications, and – 12 weeks for settlement applications. Before you need…
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Tier 5 – Youth Mobility Scheme for Australian Citizens

Youth Mobility Scheme 2014 for Australian passport holders If you are an Australian passport holder and between 18 and 30 years of age, you are eligible to apply under this category. Your national government will be your ‘sponsor’ during your stay. The number of the vacancies will be 38,500 and if your application is successful…
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New Address – Visa application centre in Hangzhou

The UK visa application centre in Hangzhou (China) will change to new premises on 20 Jan, 2014. The address of the new UK visa application centre in Hangzhou is now on: Room 1501-D, Deep-blue Plaza, 203#, Zhaohui Road, Xiacheng District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, P.R.China.

British Council Accredited Tier 4 Student Placement

Youth Mobility Scheme 2014 for Hong Kong

Youth Mobility Scheme 2014 for Hong Kong SAR passport holders and Young Britons The UK Tier 5 – Youth Mobility Scheme will be launched in 2014 for Hong Kong nationals. If you are a Hong Kong SAR passport holder and between 18 and 30 years of age, you are eligible to apply under this category.…
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UKBA ever improving visa services for Chinese nationals

In light of the recent criticism that the UKBA has faced with the discovery by Chief Inspector of Boarders and Immigration, John Vine, of a backlog of over 16,000 unresolved cases, the UKBA has stayed resolute and recently revealed the success they have had in providing visa services to Chinese nationals. This follows on from…
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