
Visas, Immigration & Nationality

UK VISA APPLICATION CHECKING SERVICE - How to submit a perfect visa application

How to get my UK visa application checking service?

Ever wondered whether or how you can get a visa application checking service for your UK visa? You’ve already done your research, prepared the application form, and have the documents ready for submission… …But you want to have your visa application checked by a qualified immigration lawyer or immigration advisor without paying for their full-service…
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Top 20 Travel Bloggers from the UK and their travel blogs to follow in 2020

From “unknown” to popular – Exclusive bloggers travel stories and testimonies Are you tired of scrolling down your Instagram feed and seeing always the same type of content? Want to discover new travel figures worth following in 2020 that have real cultural diversity, amazing ways of life and a whole way of living life on…
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Schengen Countries: Where in Europe Can You Travel on a Schengen Visa

The Schengen Countries, also known as the Schengen States or Schengen Members, are European countries that you can visit on a Schengen Visa. They are primarily located in the European Area (or EU countries).  The uniform visa that allows you to travel to each of these countries is based on an agreement, internationally known as…
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Coronavirus travel restrictions: Is Summer holiday travel back on?

The lifting of containment measures and the future of travel in 2020 The President of the EU Commission warned travellers on April 13, not to rush on making summer holiday plans. She added that “we will need to learn to live with this virus for many months, probably until next year”. Unless someone finds a…
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Coronavirus update: EU Commission and State aid

The lastest approvals for European Member States guarantee schemes The legal background for State Aid rules There is a general prohibition from governments of the European Union from helping its local companies and organisations as it is generally considered as an unfair advantage for a government to help one company over another. This is known…
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