
Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Students protest

<<Police have made 11 arrests after thousands of students marched through London protesting against education cuts, tuition fees and student debt.>>, BBC News online. Lets talk about the tuition fees: should they go up or should they go down? Well, aparently in England they should not go up surely because otherwise we wouldn’t have such…
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UK needs 500 nurses this 2014!

The UK needs Filipino nurses to replace its ageing nursing workforce. UK’s Centre for Workforce and the Royal College of Nursing said that 24% of its pool of registered nurses are set to retire in the next five years. According to Labour Secretary Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz, Philippines Overseas Labour Office had received and verified job orders…
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iam presents

 iam immigration and migration presents a new website focus on Nurses, ONP Oversesa Nursing Program and Employm.   You can read more info here.

“Remember remember the fifth of November…”

Guy Fawkes Day, which is also called Bonfire Night. Do you know that Guy Fawkes was a real person? Better speaking, Fawkes was the major conspirator of the Gunpowder Plot. Fawkes and his fellows managed to get 36 barrels of gunpowder into a cellar of the House of Lords. Some Catholics, most famously Guy Fawkes, plotted to blow…
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iam November 2014 full of surprises

iam is going to have loads of news, so keep up with us. Our first suprise will be launch this Friday, November 7. I’m sure all of you but specially Nurses and ONP will appreciate it.