Category: Cyprus

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

UK Foreign Office Issues Heatwave Travel Warnings

Planning a summer getaway to Europe? The UK Foreign Office has a crucial message for you. Millions of British holidaymakers flock to Europe every summer, and this year is no exception. Spain, Italy, and Greece continue to top the list of summer holiday destinations. Why? They offer exactly what most Europeans crave: sun-soaked, beach-filled getaways.…
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Japan to Introduce Electronic Travel Authorisation for Visa-Free Visitors

The Japanese government has announced plans to implement an online system for travel authorization for visa-exempt travellers. This new system was adopted during a meeting of Cabinet ministers at the Prime Minister’s Office. Under the new system, foreign visitors who do not require short-stay visas will need to provide their information online, including the purpose…
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EU Approves New Schengen Border Rules: Enhancing Security and Mobility

The Council of the European Union has officially endorsed a significant update to the Schengen Borders Code, a crucial framework governing the management of internal and external EU borders.  This move aims to bolster the resilience of the Schengen Area in handling crises at external borders while ensuring that EU residents continue to enjoy seamless…
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Simplified EU Single Permit Rules Begin on May 20

On 12 April 2024, the European Council formally adopted the revision of the European Union’s Single Permit Directive, marking a significant step forward in simplifying the migration process for non-EU nationals. The updated directive, which revises the original 2011 version, sets out streamlined administrative procedures for obtaining a single permit that grants both the right…
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UK Rejects EU Youth Mobility Deal

The UK government has decided against striking a post-Brexit agreement with the European Union (EU) to facilitate easier living, studying, and working opportunities for young British citizens within the EU. Recently, the European Commission proposed a “youth mobility scheme” for UK citizens aged 18-30, urging EU member states to engage in discussions. However, the UK,…
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