Category: UK

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

relocating staff

4 Things to Consider When Relocating Staff to A Foreign Country

Nowadays, it’s not uncommon at all for small and medium sized businesses to have remote workers all over the world. After all, employers can find talented people anywhere, not just in the country where they operate. Over time, some businesses find that it’s time to relocate their staff to a foreign country. Relocating staff is a…
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how to apply for UK visa

If You’re Going to Study in UK, Here’s How to Apply for UK Visa

Have you been admitted to that British University you’ve been dreaming about for years? It’s time to start packing, right? Well, not quite so fast. You are still one visa away from seeing your dreams come true. There’s a whole process you will need to go through. So, start with a bit of patience and diligence to see how to…
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EEA family members

EEA Nationals in the UK: EEA Family Members

Today we are going to explain the rights of family members of EEA nationals residing in the UK. Your family members from European Economic Area (EEA) have the same rights as you do. They can visit the UK for up to 3 months. After that they can remain in the UK as long as they…
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Brexit Arguments - In Or Out?

Why the Main 3 Brexit Arguments Are Damaging You

What really does the EU referendum mean for you? Are you In or Out? Where do you stand on the 3 main Brexit Arguments? The Brexit Vote is looming large and the three main Brexit arguments are heating up. The whole world is talking about the debate. It’s clear that most corporations are backing a…
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EU Referendum - What would Brexit mean for immigration?

What would EU Referendum mean for immigration?

With talks of a “brexit” looming large in the media, a lot of talk about what it will mean if the UK was to vote out of the EU, we thought it may be good to give a comment on what will really happen. Over the weekend, we were discussing the EU referendum and three arguments stood…
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