Category: Immigration updates

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

How Police Registration Is Changing for UK Immigration

UK Visas & Immigration sent out a communication today to confirm how the requirements for foreign migrants Police Registration is changing. Anyone that is a national of the following countries are required to register with the Police in the UK. But the process is about to change under the Police Registration requirements. Nationals of Afghanistan,…
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For the still unsure amongst us – A Brexit Argument

After writing our post on the Three Brexit Arguments, it seems that the person who wrote the below has either deleted or restricted access to the following post. We therefore copy and paste it as below: For the still unsure amongst us There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding about June 23rd, and people…
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Immigration Case Court Fees Increase by up to 500%

The government is trying to save money on the proceedings fees for the immigration cases which are subject to a consultation until 3 June. Justice minister Dominic Raab stated: ‘In light of the challenging financial circumstances we face we have already had to take difficult decisions. We have implemented enhanced court fees, above the cost…
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Tier 2 Visas - iam: latest immigration news

New Tier 2 Visa Restrictions after MAC Reviews

Latest Immigration News: Last year the Home Office commissioned the independent Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) to advise on restricting Tier 2 visas to genuine skills shortages and highly specialised experts and to undertake a review of nursing shortages. The MAC’s reports can be found at As a  result, new immigration reforms will be introduced in…
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Secure English Language Testing (SELT) English language requirement in the UK

New English language requirement for non-EEA national partners and parents

David Cameron announced a new English language requirement for family route migrants on 18 January 2016. Non-EEA national partners and parents of British citizens or persons settled in the UK will need to pass a speaking and listening test at level A2 after 2.5 years in the UK for further leave to remain on the…
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