Category: Travel

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

ИИМ – Ваше иммиграционное решение

ИИМ (Иммиграция и Миграция) – профессиональная юридическая фирма в центре Лондона, основанная в 2002 году. Мы предоставляем квалифицированные юридические консультации по всем аспектам иммиграционных вопросов как для частных, так и корпоративных клиентов по всему миру. Наши юристы помогут вам правильно выбрать категорию визы и успешно подать документы. Мы тщательно оцениваем ситуацию и предлагаем Вам лучшее…
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5 Tips for visiting London in the summer

Why should you visit London in the summer? Oh well, visiting London in the summer is a whole different city. From pop up shops to street festivals, “wow”, you can see it all. Also, there are a wide range of events and entertainment for all ages. Follow our 5 tips for making the most out of…
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All Passports to be checked on UK exit

How all Passports are going to be checked on UK exit

All Passports to be checked on UK exit: The Home Office have announced that all passengers leaving the UK will have their passports checked. The data is being collected and handed to the Home Office as part of security measures to ensure that migrants do not overstay their welcome. The passport checking scheme is being phased in…
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travel visa tips - do I need a visa?

Travel Visa Tips

Travel Visa Tips before you arrive to UK, what do you need to know? To enter the UK you will need to show a valid passport, or national id card if you are an EEA citizen. But if you are not an EU national, you will need to show further documentation, including a landing card and,…
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How to Apply for a France Schengen Visa

Updated: 21 January 2020 by Rose Delacquis How to get your French Schengen Visa from the UK as an individual The simple steps to apply for a France Visa in the UK (before and after Brexit) The best reasons why you should apply for a France Visa in the UK According to the last statistics…
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