Category: Tier 4 Visas

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

British Council Accredited Tier 4 Student Placement

10 Tips for Students

Arrivals: 10 Tips for Students. Ready to study in the UK and worried about a few things before your arrival. iam gives you 10 tips to ensure that you have a tranquil arrival. If you’re from a non European Economic Area (EEA) country, complete the landing card given to you during your flight before you…
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British Council Accredited Tier 4 Student Placement

Tier 4 visa route

Tier 4 visa route is a very common application to UK for students. For those intending to study in the UK for more than 6 months this is the best route. Some of those Students already in the UK under a valid Tier 4 visa can apply to extend their UK visa without having to…
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More Protection to Students at Private Providers

Great news on Education, specially for students at private providers. In resume, the plan allows students at private providers in receipt of Student Loans Company funding the right to take unresolved complaints to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA). Like this, they will have the same rights as students at publicly-funded institutions.…
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Students protest

<<Police have made 11 arrests after thousands of students marched through London protesting against education cuts, tuition fees and student debt.>>, BBC News online. Lets talk about the tuition fees: should they go up or should they go down? Well, aparently in England they should not go up surely because otherwise we wouldn’t have such…
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Tier 4 student visa

Wondering how to extend your Student Visa or how to switch Tier, read here the options you have after Tier 4 Student Visa. TIER 2 GENERAL This is the route to take employment after you graduate. The initial visa is granted for three years with a right to extend it for further two years. After…
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