Category: USA

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

U.S.A. introduces visa bonds

The current US administration has issued a temporary rule that could require tourist and business travellers from mostly African countries to pay a bond of as much as $15,000 to travel to the United States. The announcement of the US visa bonds comes despite a lack of any period for public comment and review, which…
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visa free travel with refugee travel documents

Countries that allow visa-free travel with Refugee Travel Documents

Please note that the information below changes regularly. For example, the UK leaving the EU may change the ability to travel visa-free to European countries. Therefore, you should always check the visa requirements of your country of destination before you travel. This question comes up when you are considering travelling to one of the European…
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U.S. Airline Set to Launch “Quarantine-Free” Flight to Italy

Quarantine-free travel between the US and Europe is a step closer with the announcement that Delta Airlines will launch a COVID-19 testing program on its flights between Atlanta and Rome. Delta Air Lines is working with Italy’s national airline, Alitalia, to resume an air route that has been closed since the rise of the pandemic. …
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U.S. Considers to Lift International Travel Ban

After eight months of border closures to European travellers, including the United Kingdom, the US government is reportedly considering removing the ban on international visitors from Europe and Brazil. Discussions among the federal government, public health agencies and airlines have resulted in widespread official support for the move, which still requires approval by the U.S.…
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Trump Toughens Visa Requirements to Make It Hard for Foreigners to Work in the US

The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump has sped up attempts to make harder, the process for U.S. companies to hire skilled foreign workers, before the end of the year and amidst the presidential elections. The Trump administration has released H-1B regulatory changes making it more difficult for professional foreign workers to obtain work visas…
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