Category: Digital Nomads

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Sri Lanka Will Soon Launch Its Own Digital Nomad Visa

Sri Lanka is a long-time favourite destination thanks to the tropical weather, beautiful beaches, and affordable cost of living. Soon, remote workers will have the opportunity to relocate to a popular country with a  Digital Nomad Visa. Sri Lankan authorities recently approved the Digital Nomad Visa designed for remote workers and digital nomads who wish…
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Explore the Czech Republic’s New Digital Nomad Visa

In recent years, the digital nomad lifestyle has become a global phenomenon, offering the chance to work remotely while discovering new cultures and places. Now, the Czech Republic is stepping into the spotlight by introducing an exciting opportunity for digital nomads: the Digital Nomad Visa. As of July 2023, the Czech Republic has rolled out…
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Nomad’s Dream:  Europe’s Easy-to-Obtain Digital Nomad Visas

With the rise of remote work and the digital nomad lifestyle, Europe has become a haven for professionals seeking to combine work and leisure.  Europe offers a myriad of options for those looking to work remotely in a new and inspiring environment.  There are numerous digital nomad visas available in Europe, and visa applications are…
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Canada Digital Nomad Visa: Canada’s New Remote Work Scheme

All around the world, countries are offering specialist visas for foreign nationals who can work from anywhere. Craving a change from your remote work set-up? Well, here’s some exciting news – Canada is actively working on a digital nomad strategy. Canada is looking to plug a national skills shortage with people who work for foreign…
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Mexico Digital Nomad Visa

The world has seen a growing trend of remote workers seeking countries with favorable visa options. Every year, tourists flood Mexico because of its stunning beaches, ancient ruins, rich culture, and its vibrant cities. If you’ve been dreaming of spending time in the country while being able to work remotely, the Mexican digital nomad visa…
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