Category: Digital Nomads

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Digital Nomad Visas: 13 and More Options For Remote Workers

How would you like to spend your workday swinging on a hammock overlooking the ocean? How about taking your meetings and phone calls while admiring medieval cathedrals and castles out your window? What about spending your lunch break tasting new foods and local delicacies? To many people, living and working in another country may seem…
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What we can look forward to in the New Year

The year 2020 was especially challenging in so many areas. We all should pat our backs that we have pulled through and survived the global pandemic.  As borders to other countries remain closed and COVID-19 virus is here to stay, there are still things we can look forward to in 2021. Travel 2021 Travel and…
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Hawaii’s Free Round Trip Tickets for Remote Workers

As the spotlight heats up on digital nomads, more and more destinations are looking to get a larger piece of the pie. As the winter months creep in, a new opportunity to ditch the cold weather is opening up in Hawaii for remote workers eager for a change of a more desirable environment and the…
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Greece Entices Digital Nomads With Tax Incentives Post Brexit

Greece competing for a part of the Digital Nomad pie The hunt for remote workers continues as countries are competing hard to attract location-independent workforce. Remote work was gaining steam before the pandemic, however, the travel restrictions imposed to mitigate the virus spread has brought attention to remote work. More and more companies have realised…
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Iceland Launches Digital Nomad Visa

Foreign nationals who reside in Iceland will be eligible to work remotely for overseas companies and stay in the country for up to six months, Iceland’s government has announced. The decision follows the measures that have been put in place by Iceland’s Minister of Tourism, Industry and Innovation together with the Minister of Justice and…
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