Category: EEA

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

EU Countries Tightening Restrictions for US Travellers

The United States was added to the white list in mid-June after reporting a decreasing trend in COVID-19 case numbers, and Americans have been able to travel around some European countries with relative ease this summer.  However, that changed last week after the US along with Israel, Lebanon, Kosovo, Montenegro and North Macedonia were removed…
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Brexit: Less Than One Month to Apply for Post-Brexit Residence Status in Sweden

British nationals who lived in Sweden under EU rules before the end of December 2020, may continue to live in Sweden as long as they apply for a new “residence status” (uppehållsstatus) before the end of the application period on 30 September. Update: On 09 September, the Swedish government extended the application period from September…
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Post-Brexit: EU Passport Required When Travelling to the UK

EU nationals as well as Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway will no longer be able to use their country’s national identity cards as a means of entry into the UK from the end of September. Previously, travellers who had citizenship in EU countries could use their national ID cards to enter the UK. However, from…
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Post-Brexit: Visa Uncertainties Hits British Students

Now that the United Kingdom has left the European Union, travellers from the UK need to obtain a visa in order to stay in an EU European country for periods longer than 90 days, a process that is long and tiring for many. Following Brexit, from January 2021 new immigration rules came into effect after…
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EU Now Accepts COVID Passports from Third-Countries

Several countries have now opened for international travel for non-essential purposes however, with the threat of the different variants of coronavirus, countries are still cautiously welcoming travellers. The European Union (EU) has advocated for the use of the EU Digital COVID Certificate to restore freedom of travel throughout member states and allow safe cross border…
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