Category: Bulgaria

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Italy Scraps Quarantine Requirements for Travellers from the UK and More

As it seeks to entice tourists this summer, Italy announced that travellers from the United Kingdom, European and Schengen Area countries, as well as those from Israel, will be permitted to visit Italy, quarantine-free, starting 16 May. Travellers from these countries who test negative for Coronavirus can forgo the mandatory quarantine. Previously, travellers to Italy…
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UK Travel Update: UK’s ‘Amber’ Travel List

In preparation for reopening travel, the British government has published a “traffic light” system assigning a level of red, amber, or green to every country in the world.  Currently, the UK rules prohibit travel out of the country for non-essential purposes, meaning holidays and visits to family members in other countries are not possible, although…
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UK, Canada & EU on USA ‘Do Not Travel’ List

Since last year, people have been pretty optimistic that inoculation against the virus in 2021 will reap a major reward to the travel industry. Travel within the US is starting to unravel as US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) greenlit domestic travel. However, the same thing cannot be said about travel outside the…
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EU Aims to Have Digital Green Certificates in Use By Summer

New data from travel industries shows more and more people are looking forward to travelling again. Government officials are now focusing on how to safely restart international and domestic trips and mitigate the economic disruption caused by the pandemic. The member states of the European Union have agreed to move forward with a recently proposed…
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What is the Schengen Agreement?

Contents History and Development of the Schengen AgreementKey Points of the Schengen Acquis1. Freedom of movement for member countries2. Harmonised visa policies of Schengen Countries – Countries That Require Schengen Visas3. External border checks according to a common Schengen standard and close police and judicial cooperation4. Joint efforts to combat drug-related crimeSchengen CountriesCountry Border Checks…
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