Category: Europe

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

U.S. Considers to Lift International Travel Ban

After eight months of border closures to European travellers, including the United Kingdom, the US government is reportedly considering removing the ban on international visitors from Europe and Brazil. Discussions among the federal government, public health agencies and airlines have resulted in widespread official support for the move, which still requires approval by the U.S.…
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UK Second Lockdown to End as Scheduled

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said a national lockdown would end after December 2, with the UK switching to a regional three-tier system. He noted that new vaccines meant “the scientific cavalry” was on the way. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Monday that England’s current tough coronavirus restrictions would not be extended…
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Brexit: UK Intelligence to Lose Out – UK Security at Risk

The UK authorities will lose access to almost all European Union law enforcement cooperation tools after December 31, which may affect public security in the country. The government said the UK would continue to be a “global leader on security” however there is increasing concern that the UK Police will be unable to cope if…
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Greece Entices Digital Nomads With Tax Incentives Post Brexit

Greece competing for a part of the Digital Nomad pie The hunt for remote workers continues as countries are competing hard to attract location-independent workforce. Remote work was gaining steam before the pandemic, however, the travel restrictions imposed to mitigate the virus spread has brought attention to remote work. More and more companies have realised…
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Brexit: The End of Free Movement is Final

The United Kingdom passed an Immigration Bill through Parliament that will end free movement from December 31 onwards. This means free movement will end around seven weeks from now, at 11pm on 31 December 2020.  The bill gives the U.K. the power to determine who comes to the country for the first time in decades.…
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