Category: Europe

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Suddenly, 1 month internship has passed

I am Young Eun Shim, a Global Business Management student at Coventry University London campus. Now, it’s about time for a reflection on my internship during 1 month so far: what I leaned and improved through the internship and how this experience has influenced my future. The opportunity to work for IAM as an intern…
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Why David Cameron reiterates commitment to cutting net migration?

David Cameron says immigration remains a priority. Tory ambition of ensuring net migration is cut to the tens of thousands of people will be and remain committed by David Cameron and Theresa May. <<Cameron is understood to have told the cabinet that he will show his determination to keep his word on Europe by publishing the bill…
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Old Biometric Residence Card Sample

The Complete Beginner’s Guide to BRPs, Police Registration and NI changes for migrants

The Home Office sent an email to us today about BRPs (Biometric Resident Permits), Police Registration, and National Insurance Number changes for migrants Biometric Residence Permits (BRPs) are not new and show a migrant’s current leave to remain (visa or immigration status) in the UK. The point of them were to help employers and other interested parties to…
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ИИМ – студенческие визы в Великобританию

Решили учиться в Великобритании? Не уверены, как правильно выбрать учебное заведение или подать документы на визу? Вы можете получить ответы на все интересующие Вас вопросы в ИИМ (Иммиграция и Миграция). Наши консультанты по образованию с многолетним опытом работы предложат Вам лучшее решение из всех возможных вариантов. ИИМ предоставляет следующие услуги: Бесплатная консультация по оценке Вашей ситуации…
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General Election 2015

Following the dissolution of Parliament on 30 March 2015, the UK voted for their next government on 7 May 2015. Voting took place in all 650 parliamentary constituencies of the United Kingdom, each electing one Member of Parliament to the House of Commons, the lower house of Parliament. Out of everyone’s expectation, the Conservative took…
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