Category: Studying in UK

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

UK Visas Issued In 2022 Exceeded Pre-Pandemic Numbers

Despite reports of curbing immigration, the UK granted more visas in 2022 than ever before. According to the latest data, the Home Office issued 2,836,490 visas in 2022. A significant amount of this was made up of work visas, with one in three of them going to Indian migrants. The number of people entering from…
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India Has Strike Deals To Get Working Holiday Visas For Young Indian

Exciting news for Indians who are looking for a travel opportunity and a chance to immerse themselves in a culture different from their own while young. The Indian government has been striking trade deals with economic powerhouses that includes provisions for cultural exchange under a working holiday scheme. The Working Holiday Scheme is an incredible…
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UK Visa Application Processing Reduced Back To 15 Days For Indians

The United Kingdom is back to processing visa applications within the standard of 15 days, with priority visas being processed within five days. With a surge in travel demand post-pandemic, the UK, like many other countries, has been struggling with immigration backlogs. “Good news for those travelling from India to UK- visit visas now within…
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UK Planning To Limit International Students To Reduce Immigration

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is considering putting up barriers for international students bringing dependents and studying “low-quality degrees” in a bid to reduce net migration. According to reports, the idea has been introduced as part of efforts to keep the migration situation under control, after recent official statistics showed that net migration to the…
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Heathrow Airport Ends Outgoing Passenger Cap

Heathrow Airport has lifted its passenger cap but has warned that it may return at busy times around Christmas. Since July, the London airport has limited the number of outgoing passengers to 100,000 per day. The cap was introduced to cope with staffing shortages, which saw the airport plagued by long lines and frequent cancellations…
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