How applicants pay the health surcharge is been improved by UK Visas and Immigration

A new integrated process is developed and uses information from an immigration application to decide whether a customer needs to pay the surcharge and how much they must pay.
Applicants will now only need to input personal details once, if a surcharge reference is needed; making the overall process quicker, easier and errors less unlikely to happen.
These changes will come into effect on 5 July (coming Sunday) for applications within the UK, (including PSC – Premium Service Centres appointments) and for overseas application.
Attention for applications started before these dates, but not yet submitted:
- Tier 4 customers applying from within the UK will have to start a new online application if they have not paid the surcharge and submitted their application by 06:59 (BST) on 4 July.
- All overseas customers will have to start a new online application if they have not paid the surcharge and submitted their application by 17:59 (BST) on 4 July.
- Customers who have started but not submitted their applications by the above dates will either have to pay the surcharge again, or their immigration application may be rejected. These customers are strongly advised to start a new online application after the above dates to avoid their applications being delayed or rejected.
- Postal applications from within the UK are unchanged and these customers will continue to use the existing web site to pay the health surcharge.
More information regarding Health Surcharge will be provided after the 5 July.
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