Free Online English Language Test for UK Visas and Citizenship

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Free Online English Language Test for UK Visas and Citizenship

Check Your English Language Proficiency for Immigration and Citizenship
Are you preparing for a UK visa or citizenship application? Use our free online English language test to assess your language skills quickly and accurately. This tool is designed to help you determine your readiness for the required Secure English Language Tests (SELT) or any other language proficiency requirements.

Online English Ability Assessment

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Step 1 of 2

Please complete the following test in order to have an assessment on your English Language ability

1) A: Would you ______ with me tomorrow? B: Yes, I’d love to.*
2) A: Are you going to attend the party? B: No. I’m _______ home.*
3) A: I think Science is ___________ than Maths. B: Really? I think the opposite.*
4) A: Can he speak English? B: No, he _________.*
5) A: _________ you ever tried bunjee jumping? B: No, never.*
6) A: Have you been in England a long time? B: Yes, several months. I arrived here _________ October last year.*
7) A: Where was Ana at twelve o’clock yesterday? B: At home. She __________ TV with me.*
8) A: How long _____ you been working here? B: Almost 5 years now.*
9) A: What are your plans for next year? B: Well, I _________ English in London.*
10) A: Do you like spiders? B: Not really, I’m a little afraid ______ them.*
11) A: John has finished his essay already. B: Yes, I know. He writes very __________.*
12) A: I’m still quite new. I ________ doing this job for long. B: Really? Are you enjoying it?*
13) If I go to the football match today, I ________ some pies.*
14) A: I love my teacher! B: Yes, she _______ such interesting lessons.*
15) A: Do you like horror movies? B: Yes, but I always _______ nightmares in my sleep.*
16) A: I really like watching TV series. B: __________. My favourite is “The Big Bang Theory”.*
17) A: Is the restaurant very formal? B: No, you ________ wear a tie.*
18) A: Do you think he broke that toy? B: No. He wasn’t here so it _______ him.*
19) A: Our family _________ this school for 10 generations. B: That’s a long time.*
20) A: By this time next year I ______ on a beach in Thailand. B: Lovely! I wish I could come too.*
21) A: Your bedroom looks lovely! B: Thank you. I’ve just _________.*
22) A: Are you going to Scotland this weekend? B: No, I can’t. I wish I _______ but I’m busy at work.*
23) A: Why did you arrive so late? B: We forgot _______ wine so we stopped on the way.*
24) A: I’d like to learn another language. B: I supposed you’d _______ start finding out about language schools.*
25) A: I’m so tired. I haven’t been home all week. B: It sounds like you need to _______ some sleep.*
26) A: _________ you possibly help me with these chairs. B: Of course. Where shall I put these?*
27) A: I’m stressed out. I don’t like revising ________ exams. B: Me too. Let’s hangout in a coffee shop.*
28) A: How do you know he cheated on the exam? B: He _________ it to the course tutor yesterday afternoon.*
29) A: I am donating clothes and canned goods for the homeless. B: Wow! You have been very _______ this year.*
30) I wish you ________ me before I went out this morning.*

Why Choose Our Free Online English Language Test?
Our test provides a simple, accessible way to evaluate your English skills, helping you avoid unnecessary delays in your UK visa or citizenship process. Whether you need to meet language requirements for a spouse visa, citizenship, or work, this assessment tool is your first step towards success.

We arrange official tests on your behalf whilst processing your application – so you don't need to worry about taking the right one. Take the test today and gain confidence in your application!

english language test

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