Category: Latest Immigration News

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Asian Travel: Hong Kong-Singapore Travel Bubble to Open

A quarantine-free air travel bubble between Hong Kong and Singapore is finally slated to get off the ground with a start date of 26 May, following setbacks that led to the plan initially being shelved last November. Largely shut off from the rest of the world during the pandemic, the two sides have been in…
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Schengen Travel Ban: EU Looking to Welcome Vaccinated American Tourists

After more than a year of EU border restrictions due to the pandemic, a piece of positive news has finally come from the European Commission regarding lifting restrictions to jumpstart travel this summer. In an interview, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen indicated that American tourists who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 would…
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Spain Launches Safe Travel Campaign for UK Holidaymakers

Spain continues to boost travellers’ confidence by showcasing efforts regarding health and safety measures through the “Travel Safe” campaign, with Spanish borders slowly opening to international travellers, and the gradual approach of the anticipated summer vacation. Tourism officials in Spain have announced measures designed to prepare the country for the return of UK visitors. Foreign…
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Italy to Ease COVID Restrictions

Italy has announced its plan to ease COVID-19 restrictions from 26 April. Many of Italy’s current restrictions will be gradually relaxed from the end of April. On this day, the majority of Italian regions are going to move to a ‘yellow’ and ‘orange’ zone, the areas where the least restrictions are put into place.  This…
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UK, Canada & EU on USA ‘Do Not Travel’ List

Since last year, people have been pretty optimistic that inoculation against the virus in 2021 will reap a major reward to the travel industry. Travel within the US is starting to unravel as US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) greenlit domestic travel. However, the same thing cannot be said about travel outside the…
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