Category: Schengen Visa News

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

EU Blue Card: Sweden to Simplify Rules

Are you a highly skilled worker looking to live and work in the European Union? Look no further than Sweden, where the application process for the EU Blue Card is about to get even simpler. The Swedish government has stated that the country is planning to introduce changes to its EU Blue Card policy, making…
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Tourists Traps: Scams in Paris You Should Look Out For

As summer approaches, many people are starting to plan their travel itineraries. Paris is a very popular destination for travellers from all over the world. It is known for its iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum as well as its rich history, art, fashion, and cuisine. This fact is not…
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Strike a Pose – But Not in Portofino’s ‘No Waiting Zone’

The charming Italian coastal town of Portofino has taken a bold step to preserve its beauty by introducing “no-waiting zones” to prevent tourists from blocking the area while posing for selfies. The selfie phenomenon started with the use of front-facing cameras and the popularity of photo-sharing apps such Instagram. Portofino is known for its picturesque…
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Explore Albania as Remote Workers

After being dismissed as Europe’s underdog for decades, Albania is surging in popularity as the digital nomad hub in the continent.  Albania has become an increasingly popular destination for holidaymakers in recent years. It is located in southeastern Europe, bordering Greece to the south, northern Macedonia and Kosovo to the east, and Montenegro to the…
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Moving To The EU: EU Aims to Enhance Freedom of Movement for Non-EU Citizens

Members of the European Parliament are trying to reduce the time required for non-EU citizens living in EU countries to get long-term resident status and move more easily across the bloc. European Parliament members want to decrease the time needed for non-EU residents in EU member states to attain long-term residency status from five to…
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