Category: Schengen Visa News

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Get Paid to Move to Spain With One Condition

A stunning Spanish town is offering expats the chance to be paid to relocate. Ponga, a town and municipality in northwest Spain, says it will pay £2,600 (€2,971) to each person who chooses to relocate there and will add another £2,600 for each baby born there. There’s only one condition: you have to commit to…
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Maximising Travel Budget: How the €49 Ticket Can Help Tourists See More of Germany 

On 3 April, Germany’s monthly €49 nationwide public transport ticket went on sale. Passengers can now pre-purchase the ‘Deutschland-Ticket’ or ‘D-Ticket’ on Deutsche Bahn’s website and app, and from transport companies across Germany. It is available as a digital subscription that can be cancelled monthly. The initiative is being introduced to help ease the cost…
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Travel Warning To Travellers to Portugal For Easter 2023

Portugal is a Mediterranean hot spot for travellers from across the globe, and it’s not hard to see why. With stunning beaches, breathtaking landscapes, and a rich cultural heritage, Portugal is a must-visit location for those seeking an unforgettable vacation.  However, it’s important to stay informed about the latest travel advice and safety information to…
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EU Council Approves Mandate For Digital Schengen Visa

The Council’s proposal to digitise the visa application process has gained the support of all EU member states’ ambassadors. The EU is embracing the digital age with open arms as the new rule will replace the current visa sticker with a technologically advanced digital visa, aimed at enhancing security and efficiency. “A digital Schengen visa…
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Denmark Extends Deadline For Post-Brexit Residency

UK nationals residing in Denmark will have an additional nine months to apply for the right of residency, as Denmark has extended the deadline for such applications until the end of 2023.  After the UK left the EU, British nationals who were already living in Denmark before the end of 2020 had to apply to…
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