Category: Schengen Visa News

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Heathrow Airport 10-Day Strike To Cause Disruptions Over Easter Holidays

In recent weeks, travellers have been keeping a close eye on industrial actions within the travel sector with fears of long lines, cancelled flights, and general chaos.  Security guards at London’s Heathrow Airport are going on strike over the Easter holidays. More than 1,400 security guards at the busy terminal are striking from 31 March…
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Free Train Travel: DiscoverEU Is Now Open For Applications

The EU is giving away 35,000 free rail passes to young people. The scheme is part of the Erasmus programme and aims to nurture cultural connections in the European Union. It will offer 18-year-olds the chance to explore Europe’s heritage and history while meeting people from across the continent. The Commission of the European Union…
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UK and Spain Finally Reached A Deal On Driving Licence Exchange

The reciprocal recognition and exchange of driving licences have finally been agreed between Spain and the United Kingdom. The agreement was approved on 14 March at Spain’s Cabinet meeting which also includes the exchange of information about traffic offences affecting road safety. The agreement means that holders of a valid driving licence issued by either…
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Poland Working Holiday Visa: What Aspiring Travellers Need To Know

Poland may not be your top choice for a holiday destination but it has countless things to offer. Poland’s architecture, museums, and traditions all showcase the country’s interesting history and unique culture. Young adults looking to explore Poland and immerse themselves in the culture might be interested in applying for a Poland Working Holiday Visa. …
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How Travel May Be Affected By American Bank Crisis

The United States has a long history of bank failures, and these failures have influenced an array of economic sectors. In the past few days, the news has been dominated by the collapse of 2 banks which have especially rocked the start-up community. The travel industry is one sector that can be significantly impacted by…
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