Tag: latest immigration news

EU Postpones ETIAS Requirement Until 2027

Foreign nationals enjoying visa-free entry to the EU will not need to obtain travel authorisation through the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) until at least April 2027. The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs has stated that ETIAS is expected to be rolled out by the last quarter of 2026. However,…
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Top 10 Countries That UK Nationals Visit

Britain’s passion for travelling abroad has experienced its biggest surge in nearly twenty years, with Britons making more than 36.7 million trips to foreign countries as at 2016 with the prospect of increasing at a greater percent in the year 2017. The concept of taking a break from work to travel is no longer just…
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Tier 2 and Tier 4 Visa Changes You Need to Know About

The end of 2016 wasn’t as quiet as we’d wish for. A 70-page document – Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules – has been published outlining Visa changes to existing UK immigration rules. As overwhelming as reading a 70-page document may sound, we’re here to help you and guide you through everything. In the following lines,…
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Brexit and Working in The UK: What You Should Know

There are around 2.1 million EU workers in Britain, and, for many of them, the future is uncertain. If you’re one of those people or if you are considering coming to the UK to work or find employment, you probably have a lot of questions. You’re probably wondering what will happen after the UK’s vote to leave…
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Brexit And Immigration: What Would This Mean for Europe?

Brexit and immigration – it’s hard to think about one without the other. Immigration was a subject people in the ”Leave” campaign used to persuade British people to vote out of the European Union. That happened all throughout the EU referendum campaign. Immigration was often portrayed as something that mostly has adverse consequences on Britain. The…
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