Tag: Schengen Visas

10 Non-Schengen Countries You Can Visit with a Schengen Visa in 2025

A Schengen Visa is one of the most powerful travel documents in the world, granting access to 29 European countries. But did you know that its benefits extend far beyond Europe? Many countries across Asia, the Americas, and the Caribbean allow entry to travellers holding a valid Schengen visa, eliminating the need for additional paperwork.…
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Portugal Schengen Visa

Portugal Schengen Visas

You may think that is too early to start to think about holidays, or you are planning your next jaunt of many you have already taken this year for business or pleasure to Portugal, but don’t forget to get for your Portugal Schengen Visas in time. Since 1995, Portugal entered into the EU Country States…
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Top 10 Countries That UK Nationals Visit

Britain’s passion for travelling abroad has experienced its biggest surge in nearly twenty years, with Britons making more than 36.7 million trips to foreign countries as at 2016 with the prospect of increasing at a greater percent in the year 2017. The concept of taking a break from work to travel is no longer just…
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Family Holidays

Can we finally take children out of school for family holidays?

Are you planning your family holidays in 2016? Tighter school attendance policies from September 2013 meant that children aged 5-16 at English state schools (private schools are exempt) must go to school “regularly”. The Department for Education believes “regular” means your child going to school every single day, with attendance not falling below 90% (1…
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London's Favourite Canary Wharf Immigration Avdisors

Working 9 to 5? Try a Canary Wharf Immigration Advisor!

Looking for Canary Wharf immigration Advisors? IAM (Immigration and Migration) is a  professional law firm created to help busy professionals in the city. It is situated within a few minutes’ walk from Canary Wharf station to give employees working in Central London the chance to have a consultation during lunch or after work. IAM was…
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