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Visas, Immigration & Nationality

US Passport Online Renewal: What You Need To Know

Given the success of the pilot program for passport online renewal, the US State Department has stated that it intends to permanently implement the service in the first quarter of 2023. In anticipation of the new system, the State Department has established the eligibility criteria and process for renewing a US passport online.  Applicants will…
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Switzerland Stops Accepting Russian Travel Documents Issued From Occupied Areas in Ukraine & Georgia

The Swiss authorities have announced that Switzerland is no longer accepting Russian travel documents issued in Ukraine and Georgia. According to the Federal Council of Switzerland, new travel documents issued in Russian-occupied regions as well as in breakaway territories of Georgia will not be recognized as valid travel documents to cross the external Schengen borders.…
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Spain’s Popular Tourist Hotspot Considers Reintroducing Covid Restrictions

Due to concerns of the new Covid-19 XBB.1.5 sub-variant could cause cases of the virus to spike across Europe in the coming weeks, holiday hotspots in Spain could soon bring back restrictive coronavirus measures. In October 2022, the last COVID measure was dropped completely, signalling a grand return to some form of normality for visitors.…
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China Reopens for International Travel

China has removed almost all of its border restrictions, bringing an end to pandemic measures that effectively closed off the nation from the rest of the world for three years. China reopened on 08 January 2023 to international travel both for Chinese citizens leaving the country as well as for international inbound travellers after nearly…
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Post-Brexit: Thousands of British Nationals Ordered To Leave EU Countries

Since the United Kingdom officially exited the European Union, one of the consequences of ending free movement has become clear for the thousands of British nationals who have been ordered to leave EU countries. Data published by the EU statistical office, Eurostat, reveals that about 2,285 British nationals were ordered to leave EU countries between…
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