Category: USA

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

UK Travel Update: UK’s ‘Amber’ Travel List

In preparation for reopening travel, the British government has published a “traffic light” system assigning a level of red, amber, or green to every country in the world.  Currently, the UK rules prohibit travel out of the country for non-essential purposes, meaning holidays and visits to family members in other countries are not possible, although…
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New Zealand Working Holiday Visa

The Working Holiday Scheme is an agreement between countries that could let you work or study in New Zealand for up to a year.  Unlike the Visitor Visa, which only allows you to travel on your holiday, the Working Holiday Scheme visa allows you to work in any job. Working holiday visas are available to…
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USA Travel Ban: Bypass the USA Travel Ban with a National Interest Exception

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in numerous presidential proclamations restricting travel and entry into the United States. The majority of travellers from China, Iran, Brazil, South Africa, Schengen Area, United Kingdom, Ireland and India 14 days prior to seeking entry to the US are prohibited from entering the country. Despite having more vaccine doses…
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Australia Working Holiday Visa – Travel and Work in Australia on Your Gap Year

The Australian Work Holiday Visa (WHV) is to allow young people to travel and work at the same time if they need more funds to keep the adventure going. This will drive money into the local economy and allow travellers to make lifelong connections with their Australian and international coworkers. Hopefully, those people participating in…
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USA Lifts Travel Restrictions on International Students

Coronavirus travel bans that have barred some students from travelling directly from their home countries to the US has been going on for over a year.  Travellers who have been to China, Iran, Brazil, South Africa, Ireland, the United Kingdom and Europe’s Schengen Area in the past 14 days have been prohibited from entering the…
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