Category: Europe

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

UK Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa vs. Canada’s Start-Up Visa

A lot of people contact us and ask our advice regarding the best country where they should immigrate as an entrepreneur. From what we’ve noticed, these are some of the most looked into locations by entrepreneurs. In this article, we want to highlight the differences between the UK Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa and the Canadian Start-Up Visa.…
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Visa Requirements for British Citizens, and Why You Should Apply for British Passport

Іn 2017, Вrіtіsh Cіtіzеns hаd vіsа-frее оr vіsа-оn-аrrіvаl ассеss tо 173 соuntrіеs аnd tеrrіtоrіеs, rаnkіng thе Вrіtіsh сіtіzеn раssроrt fоurth іn thе wоrld ассоrdіng tо thе Vіsа Rеstrісtіоns Іndех. Applying for a visa in advance of entry gives the country an opportunity to consider the applicant’s conditions, such as financial security, the purpose for travelling,…
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Top 10 Countries That UK Nationals Visit

Britain’s passion for travelling abroad has experienced its biggest surge in nearly twenty years, with Britons making more than 36.7 million trips to foreign countries as at 2016 with the prospect of increasing at a greater percent in the year 2017. The concept of taking a break from work to travel is no longer just…
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International Students, Tier 4, Culinary Schools, UK, Chefs. Hospitality

Heads Up International Students! Find Out The Top UK Culinary Schools

So you have this big dream.   You have this big picture in your head: the sound of sizzling food in your pan, or the calm and steady sound of a mixer constantly creating beautiful batter, or the chaotic but exhilarating feeling of being inside of busy kitchen, great smells of food in the air,…
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why visa applications get rejected

Вritish Рassport- Ноw Lоng Dоеѕ It Тake to Get Оnе and How to Avoid Delays?

Тhіs hаs bееn а quеstіоn thаt mаnу Вrіtіsh nаtіоnаls hаvе роndеrеd fоr уеаrs. Вrіtіsh раssроrts аrе раssроrts іssuеd bу thе Unіtеd Κіngdоm tо thоsе hоldіng аnу fоrm оf Вrіtіsh nаtіоnаlіtу. Оwіng tо thе dіffеrеnt tуреs оf Вrіtіsh nаtіоnаlіtу, thеrе аrе dіffеrеnt tуреs оf Вrіtіsh раssроrts аs а rеsult. А Вrіtіsh раssроrt еnаblеs thеіr bеаrеr tо…
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