Visa Requirements for British Citizens, and Why You Should Apply for British Passport

Іn 2017, Вrіtіsh Cіtіzеns hаd vіsа-frее оr vіsа-оn-аrrіvаl ассеss tо 173 соuntrіеs аnd tеrrіtоrіеs, rаnkіng thе Вrіtіsh сіtіzеn раssроrt fоurth іn thе wоrld ассоrdіng tо thе Vіsа Rеstrісtіоns Іndех.
Applying for a visa in advance of entry gives the country an opportunity to consider the applicant's conditions, such as financial security, the purpose for travelling, and details of prior visits to the country. A visitor may also be needed to undergo and pass security or health checks upon arrival at the border.
A visa ordinarily gives non-citizens permission to enter a country and to remain there within stipulated limitations, like a time frame for entry, a limit on the period used in the country, and a ban on employment. Many states do not demand a visa in some situations; this are usually the result of treaties specifying reciprocal arrangements. But despite going through the hoops to obtaining a visa, owning a visa is not a guarantee of entry into the country that issued it. Also a visa can be withdrawn at any time because the permission is provisional and dependent upon the consent of the immigration officer at the entry point.
Different Types of UK Citizenship and Nationality
There are several types of UK citizenship as prescribed by the British Nationality Act 1981. The Act replaced all previous nationality laws of the UK. It separated British nationals intothe following categories:
- British citizens;
- British overseas territories citizens;
- British overseas citizens;
- British subjects.
A British native is permitted to live and work in the UK free of any migration controls. British Overseas Territories citizens, British overseas citizens, British subjects, British protected persons and British nationals (overseas) can hold a British travel permit, get consular help and assurance from UK diplomatic posts. However, they are dependent on immigration controls (they don't have an automatic privilege to live or work in the UK) and they aren't seen as a UK national by the EU.
Because of the UK's challenging to comprehend kind of international history, there are several different forms of UK nationality. An individual's nationality will usually be determined by the country in which they were born, the citizenship of their parents or ancestors and their date of birth. Many of the rules determining UK nationality changed in 1983 when the British Nationality Act 1981 came into force.
British Citizenship
Before 1983 almost anyone born in the UK acquired British citizenship. People born in the UK after 1 January 1983 are still likely to be British nationals if one of their parents happened to be a British citizen or was constitutionally established in the UK at the time of the birth.
Whether children born abroad to British citizens will themselves acquire UK citizenship will depend on when they were born and the type of British citizenship held by their parent or parents.
How can you become suitable for BRITISH CITIZENSHIP and be eligible to get a British Passport?
You can become a British citizen if the following criteria apply:
- You are LIVING IN THE UK on a valid visa and expect to Naturalize as a British Citizen at the appropriate time. This is termed as British Citizenship by Residency.
- You were BORN IN THE UK (or Northern Ireland) prior to 1983. You will have been tagged British Otherwise than by Descent, can hold a British Passport, and can pass British citizenship to your children, where these kids are conceived notwithstanding.
- You have a PARENT* ( father or mother) who Naturalized before you were born, or who was given birth to in the UK (or Northern Ireland) before 1983. Your parent will have been tagged British Otherwise than by Descent, can hold a British Passport, and pass British Nationality to their kids, independent of where these kids are born.
- You have a GRANDPARENT who was given birth to in the UK (or Northern Ireland), and you meet one of the qualifying criteria of gaining British Citizenshipby Double Descent.
- A child is UNDER 18, and they have a grandparent, or great grandparent who was born in the UK (or Northern Ireland) may be British Nationality depending on the rights of under 18-year-olds.
Every single other application for British Citizenship is termed Non-Standard. Getting British Citizenship in such circumstances is decided on a case-by-case premise, and would depend on the exemptions permitted by nationality law or the oddities made by the drafting of old colonial nationality law.
British Overseas Territories citizens
If you were given birth to before 1 January 1983, you are a British oversee territories national on 1 January 1983 considering that: you were a CUKC on 31 December 1982. And you also consider if you had associations with a British overseas territory since you, your folks or your grandparents were born, registered or naturalized in that British overseas territory.
You also became a British Overseas Territories citizen if you were a woman married to a man who turned into a British Overseas Territories citizen on 1 January 1983.
British Overseas Citizenship
This form of nationality was introduced when the British Nationality Act came into force in 1983. Under the terms of that Act, individuals who had been a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies before 1 January 1983 – but who did not automatically become British Citizens or British Overseas Territories Citizens on that date –became British Overseas Citizens. Those who became British Overseas Citizens on that date, rather than British Citizens, may have done so because they did not satisfy a minimum qualifying period.
British Overseas Citizens may be able to register as British citizens if they meet the residence requirements or if they hold no other nationality.
British Overseas Territories Citizenship
This form of citizenship is acquired by individuals who have some connection with British Overseas Territories – previously known as British Dependent Territories. It applies to individuals who were the United Kingdom and Colonies citizens before 1st January 1983 and who did not automatically become British Citizens on that date but who had some connection with a British overseas territory either personally or through an ancestor.
On 21 May 2002, many British Overseas Territories Citizens automatically acquired full British citizenship.
British Subjects
Few individuals have qualified as British Subjects since the British Nationality Act came into force on 1st January 1983. The following categories of people became British Subjects on that date:
Individuals who were British subjects before 1949 and who did not subsequently acquire another form of citizenship;
People who were British subjects and citizens of Eire before 1949 and who applied to remain as British subjects;
Women who had registered as British subjects through their marriage to a man who fell into one of the two preceding categories.
Visa requirements for British citizens
Visa requirement for British subjects is regulatory passage limitations by the experts of different states set on residents of the United Kingdom. Starting at 1 January 2017, British nationals had visa or visa on entry access to 173 nations and domains, positioning the British International Passport fourth regarding travel choice (tied with Austrian, Belgian, Dutch, French, Luxembourgish, Norwegian and Singaporean identifications) as per the Henley Visa restrictions index.
Visa requirement for different classes of British nationals, for example, British Nationals (Overseas), British Overseas Citizens, British Overseas Territories Citizens, British Protected Persons or British Subjects are distinctive.
General Visa Types
The traditional types of visas applied for by British Citizens include:
(1) Single entry visa: valid only for a single visit.
(2) Multiple entry visas: this allows any number of visits within its validity term.
(3) Business visa: for a brief visit to conduct talks, negotiations, and presentations, but not to take up job.
(4) Tourist visa: grants freedom to go around the country and briefly cross its boundaries to another country and come back.
(5) Residence Visa: allows a lengthened stay but does not give the freedom to take up a job.
(6) Work visa: grants the permission to stay and take up employment, for a particular job and only for a limited period. It's referred to as work permit.
(7) Electronic visa: permission recorded in a computer but not issued as a certificate or stamp.
Visa requirements
Visa requirements for British citizens differ from country to country. However, there are some general or common visa requirement that you might encounter in your quest to obtain a Visa to enter another country. The basic requirements thatmay be requested by the immigration officers at the port of entry are as follows:
- Passport valid for at least 30 days more after the expiry of intended visit
- Passport with at least 2 (two) blank visa pages
- A vaccination certificate (if required)
- Proof of adequate finance to cover the living expenses during the sojourn in the country of visit:
- Recent bank statement (At least three months);
- Salary Statements (At least three months);
- Travellers' cheques.
- Applicants travelling by air must have a return or onward ticket, Statement, and documentation confirming purpose and duration of visit
- Documentation describing the purpose of the stay and institutions or persons in the country, if any
- Proof of constant job or other commitments thereof
Once admitted to the country, United Kingdom passport holders are advised to pay attention to the expiry date given to them on that Entry or Residence Permit to avoid possible prosecution and a fine.
British passports are identification documents issued by the United Kingdom to individuals with any form of British nationality. As earlier discussed, there are various types of British nationality as a result; there are diverse types of British passports. A British passport allows the bearer to move worldwide and serves as evidence of citizenship.
It also expedites access to consular aid from British embassies around the globe, or if also a subject of the European Union, any embassy of other European Union member states. In the UK, Passports are issued using royal prerogative, which is exercised by Her Majesty's Government.
In September 1988, the first UK passports in the European Community (EC) common format were issued by the Glasgow Passport Office, and the tools to do likewise was provided for other offices by the spring of 1991
The passport is burgundy coloured and machine-readable. It has 32 pages. Those assigned to British citizens (including Channel Islanders and Manxmen), British nationals with the right of abode in the UK and BDTCs by the relationship with Gibraltar carries the words “European Union” (or “European Community,” for those issued before December 1997) on the jacket. Passports issued to other British subjects are similar but do not have “European Community” or European Union”‘ on the front.
Home Secretary Amber Rudd has been petitioned severally to bring back the navy passports.
However, Home Office minister Robert Goodwill has said: “There are no immediate plans for modifications to the design or colour of the UK passport.”
It should, however, be noted that the current British passport was introduced just seven months before the Brexit vote.
Тhеrе саn bе mаnу rеquіrеmеnts bеfоrе уоu саn аррlу fоr а Вrіtіsh раssроrt ассоrdіng tо thе UΚ Іmmіgrаtіоn Lаw. Веfоrе а раssроrt саn bе іssuеd tо уоu, уоu nееd sеvеrаl stаgеs оf рrосеssіng іnсludіng іntеrvіеws. Gеttіng а раssроrt rеlаtіvеlу tаkеs mоrе tіmе unlіkе thе раssроrt rеnеwаl; іt іs аn еаsіеr рrосеss аnd tаkеs а lіttlе wаіtіng tіmе. Ѕо, іt іs wіsе tо mаkе trаvеl аrrаngеmеnts аftеr асquіrіng а раssроrt аnd аllоwаnсе аt lеаst sіх tо sеvеn wееks tіmе јust tо bе surе thеrе іs nо hоld uр. Тhеn аррlісаnts whо wіsh tо rеnеw thеіr раssроrt оr аррlу fоr а lоst раssроrt rерlасеmеnt shоuld рrосеss thеіr dосumеnts bеfоrе thе раssроrt ехріrеs.
Тhе wаіtіng tіmе fоr thе рrосеssіng іs аbоut sіх wееks аs ехрlаіnеd оn thе оnsеt. Тhе fее fоr а Вrіtіsh раssроrt іs sеvеntу twо роunds but іf уоu wаnt tо ехреdіtе thе рrосеss, уоu саn рау аbоut nіnеtу twо роunds. Fоr thе sаmе dау dеlіvеrу оf thе раssроrt уоu hаvе tо рау оnе hundrеd fоurtееn роunds.
British passport eligibility
You are eligible and can apply for a British passport if you have British nationality. But there are some situations where your application can be refused, or your existing passport can be retained.
Having British nationality doesn't guarantee you a passport. You may not get a new passport if:
- you're suspected of a grave crime, and an arrest warrant has been issued out on you
- A court order prevents you having a UK passport or restricts your travel
- you're on bail and bail limitations mean you can't drop the UK
- you've been brought back to the UK before on the government's account and haven't repaid what you owe
- you've received a European Union or United Nations order which curbs your travels
- A passport can further be cancelled or not renewed if it's for a child and there's a court order in place barring the child from leaving the UK.
- Your eligibility and entitlement to a British passport will be recognized when you apply.
Applying for A British Passport
Anyone applying for their first British passport is likely to have to attend an interview before their passport is issued and the whole process may take considerably longer than for a passport renewal. Applicants are encouraged not to make any firm travel arrangements before they receive their passport and to allow six weeks between the date of the application and the date on which they wish to travel.
Passport Interviews
Almost all applicants aged 16 and over for a first British adult passport will now have to attend a passport interview. Interviews have been introduced to verify the identity of the applicant and to reduce the level of passport related fraud.
All applicants who must attend a UK passport interview will be sent a letter, after their application form has been processed, asking them to contact the IPS to arrange an interview. Interviews take about 30 minutes and are held at one of 68 interview offices located around the UK. Applicants will be asked to verify personal information which would only be known by the individual applying for the UK passport.
Why you should apply for British Passport?
A British international passport will supply you a couple of good positive angles in connection to voyaging or working in Europe. A few people even apply for British citizenship only for the motivation to qualify for a British passport. In this way, to discover extra data about these positive perspectives, you have sought the correct place.
- The Freedom of travel in the Commonwealth. Although a lot of negative results emerged from Britain's colonial footprint, one legacy it did leave behind is the Commonwealth. A fair number of this group of 53 sovereign states offer favourable or visa-free entry requirements for Commonwealth citizens, which incorporate those with British passports.
- Having a British international ID enables you to set out without a visa to over 190 nations. Likewise, a British travel permit awards you boundless remain in any country in Europe, while the United States or Australian identification constraints your stay to up to 90 days. As a general thought having a British passport, you will have the capacity to travel anyplace in Europe with no bother.
- You will have the potential to work anywhere in Europe. Additionally, you should realize that there are occupations saved just for UK natives, in or outside the United Kingdom, so, you should apply to get your passport a UK identification this can make you qualified to land a position of this sort.
- There are 268 British Embassies and Consulates in more than 170 countries, meaning in theory that a British citizen will be taken care of if in need of assistance. While lots of other developed nations offer similar protection via their diplomatic missions, when combined with the high number of developing nations with far fewer resources, the British have a huge advantage. It is offensive that a few nationalities are more newsworthy than others, yet it is, lamentably true that if a subject from a developed nation disappears abroad, it makes worldwide news and prompts significant efforts to get them back, which is not the situation for each nationality on the planet. Holding a British visa grants access to one of the finest global support network of people in the world.
- One of these terms has grown quite adverse connotations while the other is something many individuals long to be. Most travellers from developed countries are marked as an expat, maybe because they are not from an ethnic minority, or because they originate from a developed, prosperous nation which on the world stage pulls well over its weight. For instance, the United Kingdom is the seventh biggest economy on the planet, however as far as population, it's only the 22nd, and in land mass, it's just 80th.
- Britons complain a lot about how the country is run and often take the social system for granted. Things like free healthcare, a benefits system which, although flawed, will at least look after the citizens in most eventualities, and the security of a comparatively stable economy and political system. The United Kingdom is far from perfect, but this combination of social security and political stability provides a relatively high Human Development Index and a high Quality-of-Life Index, both of which are great support systems in a crisis. Afterall, not all countries look after their citizens in this way.
- Over 1.5 billion people are estimated to speak English as a principal means of communication. English is the lingua franca of commerce in the Western world as well as the travel industry across the globe. Which is fantastic news for anyone who grew up in Britain, although very few of the British people understand that significance. Many people have to go through a lot of things just to learn enough English to do well in the global business community while having a British passport is sometimes sufficient to prove your command of the English language which in turn opens many doors.
Every British Citizen should feel blessed to be in possession of that little burgundy paper book that and value it far more than any other material object. Most own it through no merit of their own, just sheer fortune, and no British Citizen should take it for granted.
Anyway, whether you own a British Passport, or you reside in another country, and you would like to apply for a British passport, it's best to learn all the specifics on this matter.
- The New British Passport after Brexit – The Blue British Passport - 6 March 2020
- Ten Things to Do With a British Passport - 20 July 2018
- Visa Requirements for British Citizens, and Why You Should Apply for British Passport - 10 August 2017