Ten Things to Do With a British Passport

British passports are passports dispensed by the United Kingdom to those holding any form of British nationality. A British passport enables the bearer to travel worldwide and serves as proof of citizenship. It also facilitates access to consular assistance from British embassies around the world.
Passports are issued using royal entitlement, which is exercised by Her Majesty's Government. British citizen passports have been issued by Her Majesty's Passport Office in the United Kingdom since 2006 which makes the British citizen use their passport as an evidence of the right of abode in the United Kingdom and also as the European Union and ever since 2006 passports issued in the United Kingdom have been biometric.
Furthermore, concerning freedom of travel, the British passport ranked 1st in the world (tied with Swedish and Finnish passports) as it offers visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 173 countries and territories, more than any other visa in the year 2013.
Due to the dіffеrеnt саtеgоrіеs in Вrіtіsh nаtіоnаlіtу law, there are dіffеrеnt tуреs оf раssроrts fоr еасh сlаss оf Вrіtіsh nаtіоnаlіtу. Аll саtеgоrіеs оf Вrіtіsh раssроrts аrе іssuеd bу Неr Мајеstу's Gоvеrnmеnt undеr rоуаl рrеrоgаtіvе. Ѕіnсе аll Вrіtіsh раssроrts аrе іssuеd іn thе nаmе оf thе Сrоwn, thе rеіgnіng mоnаrсh dоеs nоt rеquіrе а раssроrt.
British citizen passports are issued by HM Passport Office in the UK. British citizens applying for passports from outside the country can do so online from HMPO. British passports were formerly issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in British embassies around the world. However, in 2009, this was discontinued, and British citizen papers are now only issued by the Passport Office in the UK. This measure came to be so as to increase security and reduce expenditure.”
The British subject passports are issued in the UK by HMPO. British subjects and British Overseas Territory citizens of Gibraltar can apply for their passport in Gibraltar, where it will be given out by the Gibraltar Civil Status and Registration Office.
British Overseas Territory citizens of Gibraltar and British subjects with the right of abode are deemed to be UK citizens for the purpose of EU law. Hence, they are considered to be EU citizens, allowing them to move freely within the European Economic Area and Switzerland.
In Jersey, Isle of Man and Guernsey British passports are issued in the name of the Lieutenant-Governor of the individual Crown Dependencies for the States of Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man. While, In British Overseas Territories, British Overseas Territories Citizen passports are granted in the name of the corresponding territory's governor.
Diplomatic passports are granted in the UK by HMPO. They are given to British diplomats and high-ranking government officials to aid and expedite their travels abroad on official duties. That is, official passports are granted to individuals travelling abroad on official state business. Queen's Messenger passports are issued to diplomatic dispatchers who transport important documents on behalf of Her Majesty's Government.
Finally, emergency passports are issued by British embassies across the globe. Emergency passports may be issued to any individual holding British nationality. People of Commonwealth nationality are also qualified to be granted British emergency passports in countries where their country of origin is unrepresented. British emergency passports may also be given to EU nationals in countries where their own country does not possess a diplomatic mission or is otherwise unable to render their assistance to their citizens.
Applying for A British Passport
Anyone applying for their first British passport is likely to have to attend an interview before their passport is issued and the whole process may take considerably longer than for a passport renewal. Applicants are encouraged not to make any firm travel arrangements before they receive their passport and to allow six weeks between the date of the application and the date on which they wish to travel.
How do I get a British Passport?
To be eligible for a British Passport is like having and holding a passport which imparts gradually a sense of belonging and create a sense of nationality with the country you are born or living in. Your passport enables you to travel around the world using a commonly accepted form of identification.
Many don't have the experience or the understanding of how to get a passport. Applicants are eligible for a British Passport if they are confirmed British by birth or naturalization. Some few steps are given below to give you a better understanding:
British by birth:
For those born in the United Kingdom getting a British Passport is quite easy. On the off chance that you are British by birth, you will require putting in your birth certificate with your application. This proof of birth certificate in the UK is all that is needed to certify your eligibility for getting the passport if you are acquiring it for the first time. Find an original copy of your UK citizenship, including a birth certificate which includes parents' names and places of birth of the child or the parents.
You must also provide a unique marriage or divorce certificates if available of the parents. Also, you will be asked to submit your parents' birth certificate and marriage or divorce certificate if it was passed on from the parents to the children.
British by descent:
British by descent means the passport applicant's lineage. For instance, if one or both of your parents or grandparents were born in the United Kingdom and you were not, then you are eligible for a British passport and can apply to become a British citizen by descent. To prove that your parents are British, you must include one or both parent's passport details and every other required document on your application form. Once the officials confirm this to be true, they can approve your visa.
Print and fill a copy of the application form:
The United Kingdom provides a copy of this form on their website. It is called an Application for naturalization as a British subject. You will be filling the form online, and you must answer vividly every question you are being inquired. You can also ask for this form at many local government offices and fill out the application form with ink and capital letters and ensure that it is examined thoroughly after that apply online four weeks or more before travelling.
Meet the Age and Good Character requirement:
To apply for naturalized citizenship, you should be no less than eighteen years old. You are also required to answer all the question regarding ‘Good Character' to know if you were involved in any recent or severe criminal convictions, bankruptcy or association with individuals of vicious character. If on any chance you address yes to the inquiries, kindly describe the events in details in the space towards the closed section of the application form. Serious crimes or unresolved bankruptcy usually leads to rejected application.
Therefore, all supportive documents are to be submitted.
Proficiency in the English Language:
You can prove English capability by being approved of English language test. Alternatively, you could contact UK NARIC (United Kingdom National Agency for the Recognition and Comparison of International) for qualification and skills which carry out the official duty on behalf of the United Kingdom Government. And include a cover letter describing your proficiency in the language and every other document that you feel is valuable and could prove your proficiency in the English Language.
Sufficient Passport photograph:
You will need about two or more copies of a full colour, full-face photo with a white background ensuring that it is a recent passport photograph taken within the past six (6) month, with a size of 45 by 33 mm (1.77 by 1.38 inches).
Counter Signatory:
This is a British subject who has known you for quite a while (for no less than two years). They should round out the outer signatory segment and state, “I affirm this is a genuine similarity of (embed name)” nearby a mark and date.
Submit your UK application form online:
Wait to receive a copy in the mail. You must hold back for a while to receive it and sign it to submit your final application to Her Majesty's Passport Office bringing a form of payment. You could also go to the Post Office's Check and Send Passport Office. Discover an administration online, and for a charge of £9, the mail station will analyze the passport altogether for blunders and submit it. Send the passport application via email with your supporting documents, either utilizing this administration or using the pre-addressed envelope that accompanied your travel permit application. Your identification will be sent back to you by Royal Mail if it is acknowledged. Applications more often than not take three to a month to be prepared.
Knowing all this, makes you have an insight on how to get a British passport. After getting the British Passport what do I do with it, what benefit do I get from having it to those that don't have it, of what advantage is it to me.
A British Passport will supply you a couple of good positive aspects concerning voyaging or working in Europe. A few people even apply for British citizenship only for a reason to become eligible for a British passport. So, to find out additional information about these positive aspects of the British Passport.
Here are what you expect once you have a British Passport. As we know a passport can have great importance, and obtaining a British Passport and citizenship is a goal and dream of many people around the world. There are many things to do with the British Passport and they are listed below.
- Travel Convenience:
One of the best points of having a British Passport is its travel accommodation. The visa is a single document that will deal with worldwide travel concerns without a has. A valid British Passport will permit you entry into most nations around the world without a bother. A few nations might enable permission to the United Kingdom with verification of citizenship like a birth certificate, driver's permit, and other individual archives. Be that as it may, contingent upon where you are making a trip to, the necessities might be unique, and you will be compelled to stay aware of various archives to ensure your section. The passport deals with every one of the worries in a single record or card. Having a place with the EU which gives you the opportunity of development and enables you to live, work, examine any place in its 28-part states without any inquiries asked, no visa applications, no confinements.
- All-Time Privilege to live in the United Kingdom:
You can freely move to the U.K. and enjoy the benefits of a settlement because it grants you unlimited stay in any country in Europe, in which the capability to buy a property work and open a bank account and wed in the United Kingdom and do much more. Furthermore, the passport can allow you to travel to other countries like Mexico, Canada, Caribbean and other countries with ease because it serves as proof of citizenship in the country.
Book a staycation or explore what the UK has to offer– you can do so freely with your British passport. Check out All the Rooms for great deals on accommodations.
- Easy Movement to the other European Union and Commonwealth Countries:
With a British Passport signifying you being a British national giving you the opportunity of being a European Union (EU) citizen you are allowed to stay in the UK as long as you want, and you may work. You may also move, reside and work freely throughout the European Union and have a British passport, which you have to travel without a visa to 152 countries without any special work permit or travel permit. A better than an average number of this gathering of 53 sovereign states offer favourable or visa-free entry conditions for Commonwealth nationals, which incorporate those with British travel papers, implying that I don't require a visa to visit nations, for example, Malaysia, South Africa, Canada and others through different nationalities do.
- Issued to the children:
There are a couple of details associated with UK passports and citizenship. You're automatically eligible for a British passport which serves as a form of photo ID which is a legal form of identification that can be issued to children to live in the UK even under marriage conditions.
If you have been born in New Zealand or South Africa, but one of your parents or grandparents was born in the United Kingdom and has UK citizenship that entitles you to it.
- Renewing the British Passport:
If you are living or travelling abroad for a long period of time, your passport may expire and you may need to renew it while abroad. The procedure for this isn't quite the same as doing such at home, and you may face certain issues, normally. All these may become easy for you with the British passport. Things like applications may be mailed and you may not be required to appear in person and might answer some questions with ease.
- Free Medical Care:
The United Kingdom National Health Service began in 1948 which is over 69 years and is one of the largest organizations in Europe. It provides all UK residents with free health care, and treatment and the fact that you own a British Passport entitles you to it.
- Eligibility of getting a job:
With a British Passport and you being a British resident, you are permitted to remain in the UK as long as you need, and you may work or get a job of your choice throughout the European Union. And since you will be working there you must get a work permit because you are eligible to apply for a job with your passport.
In Addition to this, you should know that there are jobs reserved only for UK citizens, in or outside the United Kingdom, so you should have a UK passport which makes you eligible to get a job of any type.
With a British identification meaning you being a British resident you are permitted to remain in the UK as long as you need, and you may work
- Accessibility to stable society and economy:
The United Kingdom Currency Pound is a relatively stable and reliable currency, and the United Kingdom economy is quite rebounding even in a period of world financial crisis. The UK economy now has a stable government and a moderate population which makes life easier. Owning a passport issued by such a country can only be a blessing.
- No longer subjects to immigration controls:
Having a British Passport means you no longer become subjects to immigration controls. You can apply directly with the United Kingdom government's Identity and Passport Service (IPS), as the process is not complicated. Don't get lured by individual agencies or websites which will make you believe that they can get you a British Passport.
In fact, they absolutely cannot quicken the process for you. All persons (aged 16 and over) applying for identification for the first time should appear at the interview with IPS in person to affirm their identity.
- No Lost or Damaged Documents:
With a British Passport when travelling with essential reports, for example, birth testaments, you are reliable at danger of losing or damaging the records while on your journey. With a British passport, the reports can stay at home in a protected place which gives genuine feelings of tranquillity, realizing that you won't need to experience the hassles of replacing lost or spoiled records upon your arrival, which is another advantage of having a U.K identification.
Knowing the steps to getting a British Passport, with the benefits mentioned above, we can see that it is kind of interesting to own a British passport. Therefore, it is right for you to know that Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa Guidance – Start a Business with No Stress.
“Your passport is the most valuable possession”
For a visa to non-European Union countries, it doesn't have much effect. By and large, the Australian and the UK passport holders are granted the same or similar travel rights. You should check on the IATA (The International Air Transport Association) database which is given by aeroplane organizations so that travellers can check their travel repository prerequisites. Why not walk up to the embassy today to get your British Passport and enjoy the benefits your British Passport gives you.
- The New British Passport after Brexit – The Blue British Passport - 6 March 2020
- Ten Things to Do With a British Passport - 20 July 2018
- Visa Requirements for British Citizens, and Why You Should Apply for British Passport - 10 August 2017