Venice’s New Tourist Tax This April

Venice’s New Tourist Tax This April

Venice is facing an overwhelming influx of tourists, with approximately 30 million visitors each year descending upon the city's historic centre, which is home to fewer than 50,000 residents. 

This massive tourism surge has led to negative impacts such as rising rents, overcrowded streets, and a decline in the quality of life for locals who have been forced to relocate to the mainland.

This situation is further exacerbated by the fact that a significant portion of these visitors are day-trippers who contribute minimally to the local economy. 

The constant stream of day-trippers during peak hours puts a strain on Venice's infrastructure and services, with no corresponding economic benefits.

To address the challenges posed by excessive tourism in Venice, authorities have introduced a new tourist tax aimed at managing visitor numbers and mitigating the negative impacts on the city and its residents. 

Starting April 25, tourists will be required to pay €5 (£4.25) to enjoy the allure of this iconic city during peak hours.

Day-trippers will now need to pay €5 to enter Venice between 8:30 AM and 4 PM on selected days. The pilot will be active for 29 days between 25 April and 14 July, including on most weekends. 

The historic centre of Venice covered by the fee includes the mainland districts of Marghera and Mestre, but the popular island of Murano remains outside the pilot tax scheme.

How It Works

Arrivals at the city’s mainline train and bus stations will find payment points have been installed to enable immediate payment of the fee. 

Alternatively, visitors can download a QR code that may be checked by controllers patrolling key entry points such as the Santa Lucia train station and Piazzale Roma car park. 

It is necessary to register online at a dedicated website. 

Violators risk fines of between €50 and €300.

Tax Rule Exemptions

Residents, homeowners, students, and workers, including commuters, are exempt from the scheme. Children under 14, people in need of care, and visitors staying in rented accommodations and hotels will need to book their visits, but they are exempt from the fee. 

People who are solely visiting Venice’s islands, including the Lido and Murano, will not need to pay the charge. 

Even though there’s a new 5-euro fee for the journey in the coming days, the canals, history, and magic remain invaluable. 

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