Category: USA

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

UK Restarting International Travel on 17 May

The British government has confirmed that summer holidays abroad can go ahead as scheduled. “International travel could resume from 17 May at the earliest in an accessible and affordable way,” the government says as it publishes its second Global Travel Taskforce report. Global Travel Taskforce has published how international travel, including cruises, could resume from…
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USA: CDC Issues ‘Very High’ Warning Against All Travel to Canada

With over 1 million COVID-19 cases in Canada, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a warning against all travel to Canada due to the “current situation” in the country.  The United States CDC issued a Level 4 or “very high” warning against all travel to Canada, stating: “Because of…
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CDC: Fully Vaccinated Americans Can Resume Domestic Travel Without Tests or Quarantines

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on 2 April stated fully vaccinated people can safely travel at “low risk” after the agency had held off for weeks on revising guidance that discouraged all non-essential trips. The new CDC guidance specifically greenlights vaccinated grandparents getting on aeroplanes to see grandchildren as long as they…
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How Will the US Vaccine Passport Work?

It has been months since a vaccine passport was touted to be the hope to safely jumpstart the hard-hit travel industry.  Vaccine passports that provide proof of immunity to the coronavirus are supported by the travel industry and other businesses that have suffered from concerns about the risk of contagion in public places. Several countries…
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US Travel: Calls for Timeline To Reopen International Travel

The US borders have been closed to so many people for a year now. The US Travel Association and 26 other organizations in the tourism and aviation industry have penned a letter to the White House asking the administration to partner with them to “develop…a risk-based, data-driven roadmap to rescind inbound international travel restrictions.” Leaders…
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