Category: EEA

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

uk nursing - Medical treatment professionals

UK Nursing Visas – Are you a qualified nurse?

Want to Get into UK Nursing? Registered nurses who qualified abroad can come and work in the UK. You will need to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) first before you can be employed in the UK as a nurse. Trained Outside the European Union/European Economic Area If you were trained outside the…
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Family members of EEA Nationals

If you are not a European national but a family member or an extended family member of one, you can come with them to reside in the United Kingdom. What you need to know about Family members of EEA Nationals. You are a family member if you are the EEA national’s: spouse or civil partner; children…
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CASE STUDY: EEA Derivative rights

An individual who does not qualify for a right of residence under the Free Movement Directive 2004/38/EC may qualify for another right of residence under the European Union law, termed EEA Derivative rights. In 2012, the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2006 established the right of entry and residence for primary carers of self-sufficient EEA…
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