Category: Germany

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

EU To Allow Use Of Smartphones During Flights

The European Commission has updated its legislation on mobile communications to include provisions for 5G coverage on aircraft.  This will allow airlines to offer passengers the latest in mobile technology and connectivity while on flight. Passengers aboard flights in the EU will be able to use their mobile phones to the maximum of their capacity…
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Highest Ranked European Universities For 2023

According to the 19th annual edition of The Times Higher Education ranking, 36 of the Global Top 100 universities will be in Europe. The Times Higher Education World University Rankings is a popular listing published annually, which in 2023 includes 1,799 universities from 104 countries and regions.  The Times Higher Education ranking has become a…
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EU Warning: ETIAS Not Yet Operational

Countries required to use Etias have been warned of fraud opportunities around the upcoming Etias European visa waiver. ETIAS will allow visitors from visa-waiver countries to freely travel through 30 European countries for up to 90 days for tourism, transit, or business.  The travel waiver doesn’t come into effect until November 2023, however, some scammers…
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EU Won’t Accept Russian Passports Issued In Ukraine & Georgia

The European Council said on 10 November that the Council Presidency and European Parliament provisionally agreed not to accept Russian travel documents issued in Ukraine and Georgia. According to the agreement, Russian travel documents issued in, or to persons resident in, Russian-occupied regions in Ukraine or breakaway territories in Georgia will not be accepted as…
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New UK Travel Rules At The Irish Border

EU citizens will soon be required to provide biometric data to enter the UK, including Northern Ireland, under new legislation to be introduced next year. Under the Nationality and Borders Act, non-EU travellers to the UK will need to apply for an American-style Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA), and this will involve registering facial and eventually…
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