Category: Schengen Visa News

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Coronavirus Tracking app in Europe – COVID-19 Update

The use of technology to fight the pandemic: the end of privacy rights? The European Commission has published a Commission Recommendation on “a common Union toolbox for the use of technology and data to combat and exit from the COVID-19 crisis”. So what does that Mean? The EU Commission is essentially advocating for a coronavirus…
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Coronavirus equipment: The War for Masks and Medicine?

New EU Guidelines and Antitrust Guidance With more than 1,600,000 people infected by the coronavirus (confirmed cases) and just over 100,000 deaths due to the Covid-19 disease all over the world, countries face shortage of medical equipment, and especially masks, even for the medical staff. This worldwide shortage of coronavirus equipment creates a growing nationalistic…
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Coronavirus Travel Restrictions – Europe travel restrictions on borders

The coronavirus travel restrictions on non-essential travel to the EU Is Europe in a complete shutdown after the prevalence of coronavirus in the Schengen area and Europe?  Can you still apply for a Schengen Visa or use your Schengen Visa to travel? Check out how the EU Commission has fixed some rules regarding travelling. It…
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Coronavirus good news: 9 reasons to find hope

With about 861,000 confirmed cases of people infected by the Sars-Cov-2 Coronavirus around the world (April 1st, 2020), and more and more countries and cities in lockdown, people need, more than ever, to be united (but don’t forget to respect the Social Distancing measures!). After a toilet paper rush, it’s now time to spread love…
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Travelling to the Schengen Area despite the COVID-19 Coronavirus

The latest information What is the Coronavirus? The real name of the virus is SARS-CoV-2 for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2, responsible for the COVID-19 disease. Coronavirus Transmission, Symptoms and Recommendations The coronavirus has been first transmitted by animals to people (the scientists are still unsure if pangolins or bats are responsible for it)…
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