Category: Portugal

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

How to Complete the Schengen Visa Application Form

A detailed guide to complete your visa application to Europe What is a Schengen Visa? The Schengen visa regime is based on the idea of Europe as a unified, borderless body. Schengen refers to more than just a jurisdictional boundary. There is no specific Schengen country; instead, it is a seamless region that represents the…
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why visa applications get rejected

Visa Refused: 9 Common Reasons Why Visas Get Rejected and How to Avoid Them

Applying for a visa has never been easy – it’s nerve-wracking, you worry about your having your visa denied, you don’t know what to expect during the application process and, if you fail to meet the requirements, your visa will be refused. There are many reasons why visa applications get rejected. We have put together…
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Portugal Schengen Visa

Portugal Schengen Visas

You may think that is too early to start to think about holidays, or you are planning your next jaunt of many you have already taken this year for business or pleasure to Portugal, but don’t forget to get for your Portugal Schengen Visas in time. Since 1995, Portugal entered into the EU Country States…
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Best European Destination 2014 Porto, Portugal

See the video here. The city of Porto (Portugal) was named today, 13 February as the “Best European Destination 2014” an award given annually by the “European Consumers Choice ” an independent, non -profit organisation, based in Brussels. Porto succeeds to Istanbul, Turkey, who won the contest last year and with Lisbon, capital of Portugal…
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