Category: Tier 4 Visas

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Students: Register of licensed sponsors

This document lists Tier 4 sponsors. It includes information about the category of students they’re licensed to sponsor and their sponsorship rating. List of organisations licensed to sponsor students under Tier 4. You can visit iam Tier 4 Register of Sponsors 30:06:2015 to know more about it.

How applicants pay the health surcharge is been improved by UK Visas and Immigration

A new integrated process is developed and uses information from an immigration application to decide whether a customer needs to pay the surcharge and how much they must pay. Applicants will now only need to input personal details once, if a surcharge reference is needed; making the overall process quicker, easier and errors less unlikely…
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Working in UK after studies

How can an international Student studying in the UK with a Tier 4 Student Visa switch to get a Post Study Work Visa in the UK? Student visa applications or Tier 4 is one of the largest portion of applications received by the Home Office (UKVI, previously known as UKBA) each year. The Higher Institution…
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Immigration Health Surcharge

On 25 February 2015, the Secretary of State issued a statement of changes in Immigration Rules, which highlighted number of changes, most of which came into force on 06 April 2015. The Immigration Health Surcharge ensures that temporary, non-EEA migrants coming to the UK for more than six months contribute to the NHS in line…
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London's Favourite Canary Wharf Immigration Avdisors

New UK Student Visa Charges for Indians

New UK Student Visa Charges for Indians: what do you need to know. Indians students in the United Kingdom (UK) will now have to pay a fee to cover possible treatment under the country’s National Health Service (NHS). The payment, announced Friday, is part of a broader push to recoup some of the cost to…
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