Category: Europe

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Russian Travel Shifts Away From Europe

European destinations such as Italy, Germany, France, Spain, and Greece have seen a significant decrease in Russian tourists. The impact of sanctions on Russians, travel restrictions, and the fall of the ruble have combined to drastically reduce the number of travellers and change the destinations Russians visit for holidays. A study by travel intelligence service…
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Czechia Launched “All-You-Can-Travel” Summer Ticket

The Czech Republic has an extensive and well-developed train network, making train travel a popular and convenient mode of transportation within the country. If you are planning to explore the country this summer then you are in for a treat. The Czech Republic has introduced a new train ticket that allows travellers to visit the…
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UK Electronic Travel Authorisation Cost Revealed

As part of the UK government’s continued effort to tighten border control, the UK Government will introduce a new system of pre-travel immigration checks for visitors under Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) scheme. ETA is a digital travel authorisation for visa-exempt travellers that will allow individuals to board a plane for travel to the United Kingdom. …
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Canada Grants Visa-Free Travel to 13 Countries

In an exciting development for global travellers, Canada has recently expanded its visa-free travel program, allowing citizens of 13 additional countries to explore the wonders of the Great White North without the need for a visa.  This significant change will undoubtedly boost tourism and foster cultural exchange between Canada and these nations.  Canadian Minister of…
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UK Visa: Latest UK Visa Processing Timeline

Applying for a visa can be a daunting process, particularly when it comes to the complex procedures and timelines involved. One crucial factor that often receives significant attention is the visa processing time. For individuals planning to travel to the United Kingdom, understanding the UK visa processing time is essential.  The amount of time you…
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