Category: France

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Business Schengen Visa: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re planning business travel to any of the 26 European countries which are part of the Schengen area, you may need to get a visa before you head off. The Schengen agreement means that people can travel reasonably freely within this group of countries, with one visa usually covering a trip to several different…
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France announces second lockdown, UK to follow

Coronavirus Second Wave– Europe Enters Coronavirus Second Wave with Lockdowns As France reported more than 36,000 new Coronavirus cases, French President Emmanuel Macron has confirmed new lockdown measures for France. France entered a new coronavirus lockdown on 30th October until at least December 1. The announcement came shortly after neighbouring Germany announced a new lockdown.…
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Love is not Tourism, Love is Essential: How to Get Your Love Contract and Reunite with Your Partner

29/10/20 update: Canada, Tunisia, and Georgia were removed from the list of countries allowed into Europe. If you have spent any time on social media, you might have seen the hashtags #LoveisEssential and #LoveisNotTourism flooding your feeds. These messages are accompanied by heartbreaking stories of star-crossed lovers forced to remain separated from their partners due…
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How to Avoid the US Travel Ban Without Breaking Any Rules

UPDATE: Quarantine Required for All Travellers, Europe Travel Ban Still in Effect The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the travel industry into a frenzy. In order to contain the spread of the virus, many countries have issued temporary bans, which prohibit foreign travellers from entering their borders. The United States has also placed strict restrictions on…
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france releases travel passes for unmarried couples

France releases travel passes for unmarried couples separated by the pandemic

The pandemic has undoubtedly changed the way we lived in 2020. After almost a year of border closures, domestic and international travel restrictions that separated bi-national couples, campaigns in social media like #LoveIsNotTourism has been made to official authorities in different countries to allow exemptions and end the lonely separation. Finally, after weeks of delay…
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