Category: Americas

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

why visa applications get rejected

Visa Refused: 9 Common Reasons Why Visas Get Rejected and How to Avoid Them

Applying for a visa has never been easy – it’s nerve-wracking, you worry about your having your visa denied, you don’t know what to expect during the application process and, if you fail to meet the requirements, your visa will be refused. There are many reasons why visa applications get rejected. We have put together…
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UK Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa vs. Canada’s Start-Up Visa

A lot of people contact us and ask our advice regarding the best country where they should immigrate as an entrepreneur. From what we’ve noticed, these are some of the most looked into locations by entrepreneurs. In this article, we want to highlight the differences between the UK Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa and the Canadian Start-Up Visa.…
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Practical Tips For Entrepreneurs Who Want to Start a Business Abroad

It takes a lot of courage and determination to start a business abroad. Not just the language and cultural barriers stand in the way of success, but bureaucracy as well. Establishing a successful business in another country entails being aware and complying with said country’s law. With the amount of contradictory – or outdated –…
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The Easiest way to Migrate to Canada, Revealed!

The Easiest way to Migrate to Canada, Revealed! Immigration and Migration Canada In 2014, the Canada government has recorded three (3) major sources of migrants coming to Canada. They are China, India and Philippines, respectively. Being the second largest country in the world, Canada has captured the interests of people from Asian countries or even…
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iam Friday Feeling Canada

iam Friday Feeling Canada  In April 2015: I was sitting and observing attentively in a Canadian inspired pub in Covent garden while waiting for a good friend Samantha. The feeling was awesome as I have been looking forward to visit and feel the actual Canadian smell – one of the best! I just thought of…
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