Category: News & Events

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Brexit Arguments - In Or Out?

Why the Main 3 Brexit Arguments Are Damaging You

What really does the EU referendum mean for you? Are you In or Out? Where do you stand on the 3 main Brexit Arguments? The Brexit Vote is looming large and the three main Brexit arguments are heating up. The whole world is talking about the debate. It’s clear that most corporations are backing a…
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EU Referendum - What would Brexit mean for immigration?

What would EU Referendum mean for immigration?

With talks of a “brexit” looming large in the media, a lot of talk about what it will mean if the UK was to vote out of the EU, we thought it may be good to give a comment on what will really happen. Over the weekend, we were discussing the EU referendum and three arguments stood…
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Family Holidays

Can we finally take children out of school for family holidays?

Are you planning your family holidays in 2016? Tighter school attendance policies from September 2013 meant that children aged 5-16 at English state schools (private schools are exempt) must go to school “regularly”. The Department for Education believes “regular” means your child going to school every single day, with attendance not falling below 90% (1…
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Queen Elizabeth

The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations

Queen Elizabeth II was born on 21 April 1926 and became our longest-reigning monarch after more than 63 years on the throne in 2015. During her life, Her Majesty has managed to: Officially launch 21 ships Hold weekly meetings with 13 Prime Ministers Pose for 130 portraits Keep 31 of her favourite dogs corgis Invite…
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Tier 2 Visas - iam: latest immigration news

New Tier 2 Visa Restrictions after MAC Reviews

Latest Immigration News: Last year the Home Office commissioned the independent Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) to advise on restricting Tier 2 visas to genuine skills shortages and highly specialised experts and to undertake a review of nursing shortages. The MAC’s reports can be found at As a  result, new immigration reforms will be introduced in…
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