Category: Schengen Visa News

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Travel by Car to European Countries After Brexit: Everything You Need to Know

If you are looking for European trip by car from the UK either with friends, family or even alone and you are not sure about what is required to make a road trip easy and possible, in this article you are going to know all the information you need to know before finalising your plan……
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Brexit: UK nationals in Denmark

What to do before and after December 31 With the end of the Brexit transition period between the EU and United Kingdom nears its end, UK nationals in Denmark must take steps to maintain their residency in 2021. This includes those who already have legal residence in the country. The Danish Agency for International Recruitment…
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Brexit: EU countries may ban UK nationals next year

Less than 30 days to go until UK nationals who have not registered their residence in an EU state will be considered third-country nationals by EU nations.   Travellers from the UK face the possibility of being included in the EU’s ban on non-essential travel after the end of the Brexit transition period on December 31st.…
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Brexit: UK nationals in Malta

With less than 50 days until Brexit and no deal in sight yet, the Maltese government is urging UK nationals to register for a ten-year residency card. Similarly, irrespective of how long they have been living in the UK, Maltese people should register their residency before the end of the year.  A lot of things…
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Brexit: Germany finalises rights of British residents after December 31

Germany has passed a new law that gives UK nationals living in the country a secure residence status. The law reiterates the rule of entry and stay for British nationals in Germany after the Brexit transition period ends. With the “Act on the Current Adaptation of the Freedom of Movement Act/EU and other provisions to…
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